For the month of March, I’ve slated it as Creative Living: Simplified Luxury. This is where you are invited to examine and redefine what luxury means to you.
Living an amplified, colorful, fulfilling creative life does not always mean bigger, more opulent and an over-the-top lifestyle. It’s a personal discovery where you look at, for the first time, what is your relationship to your creativity. Given it’s a blessing to begin with, I aspire for you to ask yourself more often how you can be more curious, imaginative, innovative, enchanting, courageous and playful.
Last week’s blog, “Beginning Guide to Creative Living: Simplified Luxury,” I introduced creative living as living a six-sensory life where you are using your senses as a way to amplify your experiences. If we could live more consciously about how often we feel, touch, hear, smell, taste, see and use our intuition, life would be more alive, vibrant and colorful. (Think how Italians live.)
I am encouraging you to make a conscious intention daily to experience creative living by defining your own sense of luxury. Simplify it. Make it your own, rather than live by the influences of society.
What’s quality of life for you?
One of my clients commented on the blog post with this answer: “Being able to feel less pressure and have at least 3 hours in the morning to sip my tea, write my morning pages, take in industry articles and peruse social media to catch up with friends and family.”
Self-care and family time is certainly a luxury, isn’t it? Given our faced-paced demanding lives, we must make our needs non-negotiable. Here in U.S. we just lost an hour of our precious time with Daylight Savings Time kicking in Sunday at 2 am.
Honestly, it takes me a week to feel back in balance after that loss of time. You, too? Think about this. We only have four months of 12 that we have an extra hour a day. The remaining eight months are less an hour each day. That’s a lot of time we cannot regain. Time is a precious resource not renewable; unlike money is always renewable and abundant.
What if we were to reexamine our relationship with time? What if we look at how we calendar our time and how we set boundaries (or not) with our time? Are we being wise with how we spend our 24 hours? Are we leveraging our business so we have more time to do what we love and get paid the highest? Are we saying no more often than yes? Are we dedicating time in the mornings to our sacred time before the world connects with us?
What is your mentality around time? Maybe it’s time to transform that?
The progressive answer is it’s a blessing and a luxury that needs to be nurtured, respected and carefully used.
Time is precious. It’s Creative Living: Simplified Luxury.
Taking applications for complimentary private one-on-one 45 min. strategy calls to see if you are ready to uplevel your business and time management. Please email