A cohort for women creative entrepreneurs who are committed to learning how to manifest and achieve their one-year goals in 90 days.
This is for you if:
You are a driven, creative spiritual woman entrepreneur wanting to deepen how to use your all-knowing intuition for business and life while upgrading your strategies for success without the expectation of the hustle.
You desire to learn how to create a NEW IDENTITY and EMBODY it by redefining and discovering your SELF-LOVE so that you powerfully use the tools of manifestation.
You are ready for solutions to elevate your life, how you respond to life and people, reprogram your mindset and subconscious, and find answers to any top-tier business challenge all with a collaborative intimate group of women who seek the same.
Intrigued how to achieve your one-year goals in 90 days. You are ready to learn. Hint: this is not a massive action burnout approach. Not on my watch. I teach and live the proven blend of masculine & feminine principles to bring more pleasure into your life as you manifest desires & goals quickly.
You want to learn how to activate the power of your IMAGINATION for manifesting your top Desires & Goals quickly and easily.
You know accountability is the power behind achieving your goals and desires quicker, sooner, and more efficiently. You want to be guided, inspired, and take-action to build momentum for 2025 business and life success.
You desire to explore your purpose and next chapter while transforming your habits, behaviors, and mindset into empowered, dignified, lucrative, & creative assets you will be proud of.
You want to learn how to think, feel, and act more confident with money as you leverage your business more efficiently, and increase profits and brand impact. And, you are open to redefining your money story that is potentially holding you back from the income you deserve.
You are curious how to reignite or deepen your creativity by refining your natural gifts of INTUITION and define your zone of genius that will guide you to make better decisions in life and in business.
You want to set better boundaries with yourself, your friends and family, in work situations, and honoring your pricing and value while offering your services so that you feel more dignified and confident.
You may want to clarify or upgrade your ideal client, customer, or recruit profile that aligns with your elevated version of yourself (New Identity) and financial goals.
You want to elevate your results more consistently by learning how to apply the keys of imagination integrated with a new identity and its embodiment.
Success Stories
“During the cohort, I valued the importance to remember Who Am I Becoming (My new identity) on the way to my big money goal and who am I leveraging so I can focus on my high-value tasks while being in my Genius Zone.
The intuition work and the encouragement and resources to help identify, build, and really recognize my intuition muscle were invaluable! I am so appreciative and love the wonderful resources Marla shared that have helped her over the years, and they have been helping me. Listening and connecting with my intuition will make a big difference in my life, business, and revenues. This has brought me back to remembering that I came from my heart more than just my head.
Marla’s Creative Achievement Formula helped me make a much-needed shift from masculine energy to feminine energy. I need continual reminders about this. It was wonderful to stop and focus on my desires, as it is not something I do often. It was powerful.
I found Marla’s coaching very helpful in viewing things from a different positive angle that I had yet to consider in specific topics. The mindset work helped me step back and take in her excellent advice and wisdom to look at challenges and opportunities in a different light that perhaps I had not considered before. “
Dinna Voges
Talent Recruiter, building world-class Go-To-Market teams for start-up and established tech companies
“My three profound changes in my mindset, intuition, and boundaries and how I make decisions from being mentored by Marla during the Cohort are: I now trust in my intuition more. I have become more consistent in my mindfulness practices and I have embodied my new identity as I use the skills I have learned in my own coaching program that I am creating now to launch!
Also, my money relationship and wealth consciousness changed by identifying and working through my old money story and I have made conscious effort to live a new money legacy for myself and my family.
For the past 8 years, I have been on a healing journey. Learning about myself, others, relationships, habits, goals, patterns, and really connecting to my intuition. By leaning into my intuition, I have found my purpose and my joy.
The biggest difference in achieving my goals and income comes from how Marla taught us to chunk down goals to make them more manageable and less overwhelming. That has been a great help during the cohort! Using her Creative Achievement Formula, I am able to get things done with focus and ease.”
Ashley Rivera
Motivational Talks with Ash, Transformational Life Coach
“As an emerging entrepreneur, during the cohort, my confidence has increased in my ability to run a successful business and I feel empowered to work towards fulfilling my dreams! I know that I am worthy of limitless success with my business.
From her money coaching, I am confident in charging my rates and no longer feel bad about it. I am firm with my pricing and know I am worthy of earning an income from my business.
The biggest differences I see in my business from coaching is I don’t give discounts, instead I add bonuses. I understand that not everyone is meant to be my customer. I set my prices and I don’t worry about what people think and my confidence is a huge part of my success. My mindset and beliefs greatly influence my success!
Marla’s Creative Achievement Formula supported my transformation by helping me focus on putting my desires at the forefront and seeing the joy that comes from spending time in my feminine energy.”
Elizabeth Amador
Boutique Ellie Designs, Founder/CEO
“In my year-long coaching, I loved learning from Marla that money is currency and currency is energy! And it’s nothing to fear…my confidence in managing money grew from contraction to expansion. I grew my self-worth and value which resulted in me raising my rates and to be more firm with them and not offering any discounts.
I also set money goals this year, which I hadn’t done before which helped me visibly see it and manifest it. My income increased this year by $20,000 and I booked 10 less events!
The most profound changes in my mindset and intuition and how they affected my decision-making abilities included going from an almost full-time operating masculine mindset and running on a hamster wheel to being able to blend both, masculine/feminine principles to live out my most authentic, creative, and abundant life.
Transforming my money relationship and mindset from scarcity to higher vibration of wealth consciousness was profound. And, I learned to lean more into my intuition and higher power for guidance and in moments where my mind would retreat back to old patterns.
The biggest difference in my business and revenues was learning how to navigate the delegation of the tasks that don’t align with my high value activities. Having help to hire a VA and leaving white space in my calendar to nurture my empath/HSP lifestyle was huge. Changing the narrative on what defines success.”
Mixologist, event host & creator of Solful Soundtrack of Life Podcast
“Today’s CREATE Cohort session about our relationship to intuition and our spiritual journey was beyond incredible, inspirational, and so heartfelt. Thank you Marla for being our guide to our truth, our joy in love.”
Cindy Celis
Partner/director of business development at flair project
“I am an empath so I easily take on other people’s feelings and I have really learned how to protect my energy and remove myself from people and situations that aren’t for me. When I do hold space for someone to share with me, I know that I will need to release their energy and I do that by doing one of my self-care routines. By doing all of this I am able to trust myself more and more.
I started a new abundance and confidence affirmation meditation on Sunday morning. That day I had 2 sales calls that were the easiest I have ever done in my life! I have been doing this meditation every morning and both contracts came back signed with deposit. My gig this weekend added 2 more hours and I booked an extra gig at the end of this month. All of this while still getting to spend the week with my daughter, taking her paddle boarding, and to the trampoline park. The amount of gratitude I have had this week for the life I live is just amazing. ”
“Ask your intuition, what does it want you to know about deepening your relationship with it?
I believe my intuition wants me to allow it to guide me and not question it. I have ignored it so much in the past and know that I should have not done this. I have forgiven myself and now try to be intune with my body and all the clues, gut feelings, and nudges that come up. My brain sometimes wants to take over and question what I’m feeling and why. It wants to logically understand everything but I’ve learned that sometimes the answers reveal themselves much later on in time or sometimes never.
Another major finding that I’ve realized is how the energy of others truly affects me. Typically, very high energy people drain me and I need to spend a limited amount of time with them and hold strong boundaries. My body becomes exhausted and my mood shifts when I’m around these people. It took me a long time to become aware of this connection. I am grateful that I now have this knowledge and can protect my peace by creating boundaries.”
I am needing to connect deeper with my intuition through journaling. When I am quiet and really pause and pay attention my intuition is there and coming through. I love connecting with it and desire to deepen and grow the connection.
When I pause and reflect my intuition has served me well and there are times I really should have listened when I didn’t. I listen to those little nudges now:)
What is included and how this works:
Welcome packet and prep questions for successful kick-off
All sessions are recorded for your convenience.
Access to private member only website page for zoom recordings, downloads, handouts, and schedules.
the purpose
A gathering of high achieving spiritual women entrepreneurs to build a camaraderie of support and creative discussions while in group coaching. We create a momentum energy that elevates your new year while achieving your desires and goals in 90-days using Marla’s Creative Achievement Formula.
Our Cohort Essential Coaching Topics:
Creative Achievement Formula
Love Your Intuition
Embrace the power to make business and personal decisions from your instincts first rather than default to your logic. Make intuition your 1st sense rather than your 6th sense to live a much more intentional and fulfilling life. Learn how to use your powerful intuition to make business decisions as you navigate daily responsibilities.
Make Peace with Your Money Story
Clarify or upgrade your ideal client, customer or recruit profile
Own Your Genius Zone to Elevate Your Revenues, Joy, and Creativity While Leveraging Your Business
Celebration of your achievements and transformations, review of modules for clarity coaching, Q&A
Wealth consciousness based coaching
Empower 2025
I guide and mentor you to heal and evolve your habits, behaviors, and mindset in your relationship with money so that you create a new money legacy for you and your family for generations to come.
By healing old money patterns, imprints and false beliefs, you will change the way you operate with money, how you make personal, family, and business decisions, execute goals, and generate personal income.
As a woman entrepreneur, I want you abundantly paid for your passion and purpose; not your time. That’s the power of wealth consciousness-based coaching.
Wealth consciousness is about transforming your perception and programming of fear, worry, judgment, stress, and guilt around money to the truth that we live in an abundant, supportive Universe.
With that, you develop a healthy partnership with the tangible and intangible by taking actions that align with your goals and desires.
When we have long-time programming around how we think, feel and act with money, we unknowingly live with blind spots that are diluting our best intentions to become higher-achieving, more dignified, more worthy, and higher-earning professionals.
It's time to master your wealth, worth, and earning power.
Timely BonuS
Enroll by Dec 16 to receive a 60-min private coaching session with Marla to be used prior to the Cohort or in the first 30 days of the program. Value is $850. We will confirm after you are registered.
Meet Your Intuitive Business and Life Design Coach
Marla Diann, owner of Marla Diann Mentoring International, is an intuitive business strategist, speaker, and life designer for high-achieving creative entrepreneurs ready to take their business and ability to increase revenues to a new level, evolve their consciousness, visibility, and attract more of their right clients without all the distractions of overwhelm.
Marla helps creative entrepreneurs transform their relationship with money as they collapse the timeframe of achieving their one-year goals into three-months. She serves women over 40 by guiding them how to listen to their intuition first and logic second as they design their next chapter creating a renewed belief in their dreams.
Her podcast, Follow Your Joy, launched in June 2022, is a popular entrepreneurial resource for creatives sharing their challenge to victory career stories through the lens of listening to their intuition.
Celebrating 28 years as a creative entrepreneur of two businesses, 1996-2008 Entertainment PR, and 2008-present in her coaching business, Marla represents over three decades of entrepreneurship, entertainment PR & talent management, life & business coaching, personal branding, spirituality, and volunteering for women and youth empowerment organizations. She is in her 10th year as a volunteer for SDSU’s Aztec Mentorship Program for Juniors, Seniors, and Grad students.
Marla holds a Bachelor of Liberal Arts & Sciences degree in PR Journalism from San Diego State University. She is a graduate of Tony Robbins Mastery University. Over her 16 years in coaching, she invested in topline experts and mentors to help her achieve success on many levels in human potential and entrepreneurship as she continues to evolve.
She’s been a member and client of Gina DeVee’s Divine Living Community for 7 years, a 6-year member of Association of Bridal Consultants (ABC) and three years with Wedding International Professionals Association (WIPA), as part of serving creative entrepreneurs and the events and wedding industries. She is a 9-year member of eWomenNetwork and is currently being mentored by multi-million-dollar Manifesting coach, Kathleen Cameron.
Her certified status as a Money Breakthrough Method™ and Sacred Money Archetype™ coach has given her the platform to change lives financially and help creatives create a new money legacy (habits, behaviors, mindset) since 2010.
Marla is a proud Mom of her 33-year-old son who has his own successful real estate investing business. She lives in Palos Verdes Estates, CA, with her adorable dog Ruby and loves all things Italian, Disney, creative, romance, spiritual, inspirational, humanitarian, nature and outdoors.
mOre Success Stories
Good Afternoon My Sweet Cohort Friends. I just want to post some of my successes of the last 30 days.
My biggest is being asked by my youngest daughter to babysit for 3 hours for the twins.
Sunday we had another successful get together family brunch at my condo, creating memories
May Maui 2-week Condo and plane is completely paid for
Feb -4 applications written and approved
March -6 applications submitted
Bought a new purse and wallet
I am manifesting a new world for myself. Thank you, God, the Universe, Marla Diann, My Cohort Ladies and Myself for being open to accept these wonderful blessings. God Bless you
“In the three-months of coaching, I found a new confident posture in how I talk about my business and decision-making because I increased my self-worth. I feel much more comfortable with prospect reach outs due to feeling more confident and worthy.
I now understand my money relationship so my self talk has changed! I began setting boundaries within my business and it feels great to be in control of my time!
The qualifying recruiting system Marla created for me is a game changer! It can make the biggest difference in my business. I’m super excited to use this new system and I feel very comfortable with it.
Also, I am SUPER excited about my new website, branding, and funnel! My brand story is something that I used to struggle with, and Marla helped me break it down and make sense! She explained the importance of these tools and how to implement them into my business.”
Sheri Weinstein
Top Seller and Ambassador with Herbal Alchemy
“I have a better way of weeding out leads that are just “shopping around.” I realized I was definitely undercharging for my abilities and talents. I am even more certain when I turn down events that do not fit my client profiles.
I feel the biggest impact on my revenues from coaching was learning and applying the qualifying sales and leads system.
Thanks to Marla’s money mindset coaching, I see my relationship with money more as a blessing more than ever. I really saw that my old thoughts around what I thought was being greedy or around money weren’t serving me well or to my advantage. They were in fact working against me.”
Luke Sensebe
DJ Lux and Owner Premiere Events Group
“After nine months of coaching, I now approach work, clients, and pricing from a place of power instead of obligation or fear.
Instead of feeling like I am unworthy of spending time on joy, crafts or hobbies, Marla has taught me that those support my genius zone. Spending time on my joy supports my work. It is all connected!
I have established a relationship with money, instead of avoiding one. I now track my income, knowing that what I focus on expands.
The money tracking system has been the biggest game changer for me. I have adapted the systems into one place, where I can focus on my mindset and money in one place.
I experienced learning to identify my struggles alongside my wins. Identifying my struggles allowed me to work through them with support and guidance. When doubting myself, I could lean on Marla’s wisdom as I built my confidence.”
Nina Addeo
Social Media expert, Owner of
Are you ready to enroll?
Only 6 spots available at incentive rate good till Dec 16, 2024.
Beyond 12/16, rate is $3,000.
Timely BONUS: Enroll by Dec 16 to receive a 60-min private coaching session with Marla to be used prior to the Cohort or in the first 30 days of the program. Value is $850.
We will confirm after you are registered.
full pay
$2497 (Good till Dec 16)
After expiration, rate is $3,000
or Zelle payment sent to
3 payments
$1500 (deposit)
3-monthly payments of $465 (total $2895) Good till Dec 16
After expiration, $2,000 deposit with 3-monthly payments of $466.67
Three monthly payments will be processed through Marla’s office with your card on file or Zelle
After your registration, you will receive a confirmation email with course details and follow up email reminders.
Cancellation and Payment Terms You are authorizing Marla Diann Mentoring International to charge your credit card as payment. No refunds. If for any reason you are unable to attend, we will gladly give you an equivalent credit for a future service purchase. Thank you.
100% Secure Transaction You can be assured this online transaction is 100% secure and after you complete your registration you will receive an electronic receipt via email and details of the event.