Enough already! Let’s breakthrough this serious, heavy energy that’s been weighing us down for seven months already.

Say this with me out loud! “I am no longer available to be manipulated by the propaganda news, the fears, the worries, the doubts, the negative energies, low vibe discussions and anything that clouds my wide view of my brilliant vision of freedom, success and happiness!”

It begins with a swift mindset shift! Just. Like. That. Then next it’s time to shake up our work life and personal life by tuning into our power channels of intuition and gratitude!

As you know these are not soft life skills that can be negotiated from logic. They are rock-solid, thousands of years old, high-achieving proven methods of living a remarkable life where you can quickly manifest small and large miracles and results daily, weekly and monthly.

Think of this metaphor of a wild white-water rafting adventure vs. the quiet flow of drifting down the river to help revitalize your mindset and create an energetic shift to no longer tolerate our worn thin mindset while living in the middle of this global disruption. It’s time to shake up our lives and move into higher action.

Here’s the reality:

All of our certainty in systems and institutions that once defined us and we relied upon are breaking down and being transformed right before our eyes. Whether it’s the school systems, shared work spaces, money systems, or environmental systems, they are all changing.

Therefore, we MUST have a solid internal compass to keep us feeling safe, trusting, faithful, creative, innovative, inspired, hopeful and energized during this global transformation.

This is where our Spiritual Leadership comes in. I know you want faster, more fulfilling results in your personal and work life. Well, the secret to ramping it up is taking spiritually aligned actions with the support of partnering with Universal Intelligence (Spirit, Source, Higher Power, etc.) consistently. And, when you fall off the wagon, you just recommit. Our long-term spiritual practice is a series of recommitments over and over year after year.

It’s imperative we fine-tune into our power channels of intuition and gratitude to speed up our manifesting. What I have learned over the years of my own evolution is our intuition can only be heard when we allow it to come through and are conscious of it.

Intuition is our superpower. Combine that with a mindset and habit of proper daily gratitude in form of journaling and praying, and you have two of life’s most potent collaborators of manifesting. Remember, gratitude is a multiplier of good.

I also learned intuition is not a feeling because feelings are fleeting; whereas intuition is a divine urge, an inner nudge, a wisdom that is in the moment usually felt in the body somewhere. As of late, my intuition has been heightened because I am committed to this enlightenment. What I found is when I am tuned into it, listen and take action, it’s easy. Life is easier. I no longer struggle to find the answers. I ask. I pray for answers. I receive.

Isn’t it time for you to tune in even more to your higher power? It’s a necessary life skill to withstand the inevitable global transformation.

I have a power action you can take to deepen your intuition right now! Join me in my no-cost Brand-New Masterclass, “How to Use Your Intuition and Gratitude to Ramp Up Your Results Faster,” featuring my 6 Proven Methods to Mastering Your Spiritual Leadership. Save the date for Oct 7th Wed from 1:00-2:30 PT. Register here.

Tweet: It’s time to shake up our work life and personal life by tuning into our power channels of intuition and gratitude!  @marladiann  #gratitude #coaching #intuition #creativity

To your evolution,
