Let’s talk personal branding.

I was on a beautiful website the other day that sold higher grade makeup and skin care with a 60 year family history. Everything about the look of the site and product packaging was gorgeous, clean, modern, and chic.

But as I wandered around the site I could not find but a blurb about the two women founders. Here was this stunning site that I was considering to purchase products from and refer people to but I was disappointed in lack of “connection” to me the customer. (I know, no fault of their own.)

Women buy on emotion. We typically need a connection to the human being who created the business given all the choices out there. And most savvy consumers today come to expect that story. As humans, we are wired for stories. It causes empathy and comfort.

The only thing missing in the branding of this company was one of the most important elements – the brand story. The human element of the business.

So let’s look at your branding. Few check in points:
  1. Are you “On-Brand”? Meaning, are you living aligned with your values so you are making decisions based on those core 5 values? (When we make choices not in alignment with our top values – we tend to have drama and disconnect) Are you setting stronger boundaries so you no longer tolerate low behavior from yourself or others? How’s your money relationship? When we live more often On-Brand – our personal brand online and offline shines through and our audience “gets” us more authentically.
  2. How’s your brand story on your about page? Our brand story tells a vulnerable account of challenge to victory experience in our life that led to today’s success so that you create a “real” connection with your audience. Emotional resonance converts strangers to friends, clients and colleagues.
  3. What is the “essence” of your brand? How do you want your audience to FEEL when they see your images, photos, and content at your website, IG, FB, Twitter – social media channels? What feelings do you hope to evoke from them?

You are creating a connection with your audience that inspires them to take an action – conversion. That conversion can be actions like signing up for your giveaway at your site. It could be following you on social media. It could be emailing you for an inquiry call.

Your goal is using the power of your emotional resonance in your brand to cause people to take an action.

It’s time to disrupt your business model and personal brand messaging to rise above the insane density online.

First, let’s change your money relationship. Then change the conversation online. Then step into being an influential thought leader who impacts your industry with innovative strategies.

Before we can change your business model, brand messaging and positioning, we need to recalibrate your money mindset and relationship.


In order to show up above the online density as a powerful, clearly communicated, authentic, personal brand online and offline and attract the right clients, a few things need shifting.

The healing of your money relationship becomes a catalyst for lasting change in decision making, behavior, habits and mindset. 

Here’s how:

·        When you stop caving into discounts during a sales conversation and stand for your worth and dignity by committing to your real rates and actually getting them – you create a new sense of confidence, certainty and credibility.

·        And that confidence, certainty and credibility transfers to all parts of your life. We are integrative human beings.  Overall – healing our money relationship gives us peace, calm, liberation and ability to be present, more creative rather than operate from stress and angst.

·        A rising tide lifts all ships.

If any of this resonates and you are curious how to change your money relationship and your money legacy to increase your revenues and confidence- click here for my new 5-week virtual program starting Nov 14.

To a glorious week!

Ciao bella

Photo credit: Wendy K Yalom photography
Make-up Artistry: Silvia Acquapendente
Four Seasons Florence, Italy