The entrepreneurial journey. You are not alone in your frustrations and challenges.


Do you know how many times in my first four years of operating my mentoring business I wanted to quit? At least 2 x a month every year. Yep. I doubted my abilities, ran low on patience, and worked diligently living in the “AS IF” mode trusting what I wanted would manifest. I lived on a ton of f-a-i-t-h (and still do).


You, too?


Now entering my 8th year of my mentoring business (Last business venture ran 13 years), I am deeply grateful to have persevered through the rough patches. Your business is THE best personal development course you will EVER take.


My true message here is this: I thank my lucky stars (and good decision) for hiring my mentors and joining mastermind groups. Without them I would have never made the grade or the fast income in the first 2 years (and that was during the challenging 2008 recession!).


My coaches carried the belief way before I could and my mastermind partners were a saving grace since we were all in it together. And they still do. I have never gone without a coach and mastermind program since inception of my mentoring business.


That would be way too hard and a major struggle.


On a spiritual note…your business is an extension of you. It has a soul. People come through your business as a channel for good and an opportunity for you to serve your purpose. Nurture your business like a child needs nurturing. Love it. Give it attention and care. This is why accountability is crucial for entrepreneurs. Mentors and masterminds are essential to your success.


On a practical note: When you come up against a situation in business that requires you to make a very sound, defining decision that must feel right without any doubt – I recommend you use these two most effective questions to ask yourself that measures the degree of viability in your choice: 1. What conditions must be present in order to move forward on the decision? 2. Does this decision align with my top 5 values? (High achievers make choices in alignment with their most important values. Now you live a congruent life with results that speak to your intentions without chaos, imbalance and uncertainty.)


I’m inviting you to reap in the benefits of my entrepreneurial journey as I mentor you through an innovative, mind shifting, revenue raising experience in my BRAND NEW 6-month program, “ACCELERATOR: Advancing Entrepreneurs to Their Next Level” starting in March 2016.


I’m interviewing, now thru mid-January, high-achieving, spiritually-minded entrepreneurs who are ready to EVOLVE their income, personal brand, leverage, money relationship, sales funnel system, delegation, and boundaries in 2016. — to apply and schedule your private 45 minute strategy call to be considered as one of the premiere spots in this intimate sized live and virtual accelerator program.


In your private call – we’ll dive into your vision and what’s next for you as I also explain this accelerator style program. I’m only accepting up to 10 in the group who desire that much needed accountability and leap!


As you plan your 2016 goals, see if our vibe matches your needs. I have 5 open spots now through January 1st for the calls.


Who’s been on the journey with me already? Click here for stories and inspiration! 


It would be my privilege to travel the high road to success with you in 2016.


Abundance & Gratitude,

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