The last days of our special summer 2021 are upon us (I loved this summer) and we have so much to look forward to in the last quarter. Let’s commit to the intention Sept-Dec will be remarkably enjoyable, prosperous, and uplifting! With me?
One of many ways to add pizazz to your last quarter and revenues is to have access to video tools so that your brand looks even more radiant and innovative!
That’s the job of my team, just as I recommend to you. Usually, one person who is dedicated to your social media, brand integrity, and marketing is ideal.
However, today I am wearing my research hat to inform you of some very cool, innovative video tools I found at my favorite design site, CANVA. I have had it for several years now.

If you do not have an account there yet, please make it a priority (Canva Pro is great. It’s only $119/annually) and then turn the learning over to your team. However, I have to admit, it’s a fun tool to know the basics to play with! I love it. Visual arts is a favorite of mine.
I noticed over the last several months Canva has stepped up their game in adding even more creative tools, namely video making and editing tools. I even saw one of my colleagues on Instagram over the weekend with her branded video she made in Canva. It was so impressive!
You can record and edit right there in your account! How about that?! (Some of you may already know this, it’s new to me.)
From Canva’s site,
“With Canva, you can make high-quality videos without being a professional video editor. You’ll find it easy (and fun) — to make videos every day. Our simple drag-and-drop tool lets you make compelling short videos in minutes using Canva’s library of pre-made templates.
Canva is a free and online design tool where you can create videos anytime, anywhere. You don’t need complex video editing tools to make professional-quality videos. We’ve packed our library with thousands of templates, free stock videos, animated graphics, and music tracks for you to quickly create a short video to post online. Then download your videos without any watermarks! We believe that making videos should be simple for everyone.”
That’s exciting! Check it out, get familiar with it, then delegate the task to your team. For more details, click here.
Have a playful, adventurous & prosperous week,