Developing Creative Leaders: 10 years of changing lives!

What do you get when you transform an elementary school teacher of 23 years with a passion for health and wellness and an integrative nutrition certification?

You get a very happy, inspired, lit up woman with a ton of moxie!

I’m pleased to introduce to you my client, Lori Rose of the NEW Rose Health Mentoring! Moxie is her nickname thanks to her Mom. Throughout Lori’s life she demonstrated a deep commitment to striving and thriving even in the face of major adversity.

When you read her brand story at her NEW website,, you’ll catch yourself cheering her on for surviving a scary cancer journey that required her to put her MOXIE into full gear. Just recently, she had the opportunity to prove her moxie once again. She deserves a HUGE congrats in what she pulled off in 17 months. Get this. She completed a year-long Integrative Health Coach certification program followed by a hormone specialty certification. All the while being mentored and coached in my business/money relationship/branding program to help launch her NEW business and brand!

I pulled together a team of bright, talented women to give Lori the option to launch her first website. She hired the outstanding web designer and brand strategist Chelsey Marie Clark (my personal brand manager and web designer) and the highly talented beautiful lifestyle photographer Kaysha Weiner (aka – Kaysha van der Heyden, a valued client of my mentoring company.)

The result?

A gorgeous, graceful wellness brand and website launched this week, June 5, 2018, to drive her new integrative health mentoring business.
Incredible! All of this inside of 17 months!

Lori was as new as they could be coming into my year-long program having never been an entrepreneur.

It was her commitment to the global vision of healing women and men that inspired me to work with her. Her statement says it all:

“I see a world filled with healthy lifestyles that not only help inspire thousands more to do the same but that we collectively are conscious of our Mother Earth and how she provides a beautiful sacred environment to thrive in.

I believe that begins with you eating clean.

My own life experience with overcoming health challenges (cancer) to having a deep passion for our earth’s precious resources and always looking for solutions to imbalance has led me to this…and you.”

So the journey began January 2017. She flew through the entrepreneur success program recalibrating her money relationship, boundaries, self-worth, identifying her genius zone, the power of delegation and leverage and then moved right into the personal branding program. We composed all her content for her website, programs, pricing, brand story, messaging and more.

“During the coaching program, what made the biggest difference in my new business and creating my upcoming revenues was learning that 80% of my income will come from 20% of my clients. This was eye-opening for me!

Remembering that I am “worth” what I charge for my services, due to my 23 years of teaching and education expertise, rather than thinking I was a beginner and could not charge accordingly. I learned coming from a place of service and gratitude is definitely a positive and aligns with who I am as a person, and with that, the money follows,” says Lori.

Oh yeah…one more cool thing. Guess what her newly married last name is? You guessed it. M O X I E (I am not joking). This girl was destined to be the role model of courage, drive, ambition, and success!

Driven by Moxie.

Stop by her site to see this beautiful masterpiece and opt-in to her very informative brand new report “Clean Eating Can Save Your Life”

Let’s look at your next level of success by having a 30 min introductory Zoom chat. Email my team to schedule the call! – it would be my pleasure to get to know you.

To your success and abundance!