We are all one
I know you have heard and read that before. But do you embrace, understand, and practice the way that it works?
The infamous quote “Be the change you want to see in the world” by Gandhi – truly speaks to that.
I remember the first few times hearing this spiritual concept, we are all one, back in 2000 from my spiritual mentor during her Sunday service and again during many of the spiritual living classes from the local center I was taking at the time.
I spent 2000-2008 in deep dedication to learning the metaphysical way of life by attending services regularly and taking class after class offered by my spiritual center in Westlake Village, CA. By 2008 it was a way of life for me.
I felt so alive and nourished by these teachings!
“We are all one” means whatever feelings and thoughts you are living at any one moment contributes to the collective consciousness. In other words, our commitment to stay centered, calm, and connected to Universal Intelligence becomes more about humanity and less about us individually.
This is when the me turns into we.
The challenge is we are wired to be aware of our own behaviors, thinking, belief systems and feelings. It’s not an easy concept initially to grasp that all you feel and think affects others energetically.
The message here is commit to a higher level of spirituality where you take your daily spiritual practice of journaling, sacred time and meditation, which does help you change your brain waves and wiring, to be more conscious that all your thoughts and feelings affect the collective consciousness.
It follows then, we are either contributing moment by moment compassion, love, understanding, faith, trust, appreciation, non-judgment, gratitude and connection or we are perpetuating the acts of disconnection, judgment, hatred, war, disease and pain.
What’s your choice? The right one allows you to live an enlightened life.
Let it be so,