In my previous meditation challenge audio gift, I gave you Deepak and Oprah’s “Creativity” topic where they emphasized how we thrive on our inspired states. Whether it’s being resourceful with a solution for a business challenge, writing a creative blog post that results in more than the usual positive feedback, or a brilliant idea that turns into thousands of dollars of revenues – you have your own creative well-spring to rely on to support your success – but only if you will be still enough to listen.
This next meditation challenge audio gift is about restoring balance in our lives by creating healthy habits. Oh that’s a tough one for many. Not the thinking part of it but the commitment. How do you replace a non-healthy habit with a new healthy habit? Deepak says it starts with consciousness and self-awareness.
Deepak walks you through a soothing, calming meditation that will bring you back to center and help you shift your decision making process to one that chooses health and well-being over negative choices.
The only way you can change a habit is have a new one to replace it. Deepak covers the three states we live in and how to move to our best self-care. Think of all the challenges and successes you’ve had in personal and business life. They come from your daily rituals and habits. What habits do you want to change for the better?
Listen in. From my heart to yours, enjoy this audio and lavish in your own wisdom.
Please share below your aha moments and experience with the meditation! Inspire us! If interested, here is the link to check out the whole series on Deepak’s site.
Gratitude and abundant blessings,