How many times have you hesitated to “blow your own horn” about a personal growth or business success to your social media communities or one-one conversations with friends and colleagues?

Often we dim our light to make others feel more comfortable but what we don’t realize is that as businesses we have the potential to inspire others. See, by you telling someone, posting online or even taking a moment to celebrate your successes about your personal growth and business breakthroughs, you inspire others to raise their own standards.

From today forward I am giving you permission to be the “Tall Poppy” that inspires others through being a role model of courage, dignity and success.

Your personal and professional successes are not meant to be a secret.

Keep shining brightly. Never dim your light to help someone feel better.

You are here on the planet to be fully in your power. You should not be worried about the one who feels inferior to you — keep the ones you do inspire on your mind and keep moving on. That’s their journey.

Here’s a little challenge for you this week…. First, choose 2 successes or things you are grateful for pertaining to your business or personal growth. Then post those on your IG and FB account using #MarlaDiannBrandChallenge. Tag me so I can give you some social media love. 

I hope these tips help you remember how amazing you are and if you’d like to feel even more inspired and hit your next level of success download my FREE Wire Yourself for Wealth Audio Training!

You are a leader. Let’s keep building a strong, influential brand.
