How many times have you hesitated to “blow your own horn” about a personal growth success to your social media communities or even one-one conversations with friends and colleagues?
From today forward I am giving you permission to be the “Tall Poppy” that inspires others through being a role model of courage, dignity and success.
Your personal growth is not meant to be a secret.
I know it’s very common to post in social media your “outer” successes. That’s easy. What I am referring to is being vulnerable and transparent about your inner successes. Maybe you battled with boundaries around money, clients, family, or friends and broke through your self-imposed limits where you became much more confident and aligned with your truth and value. That’s amazing to share with others!
Believe it or not, there are more people hesitant to do this than not. You may be one that finds it easy to be vulnerable.
The majority does not.
I’m on the front lines daily with incredible women entrepreneurs who fear being vulnerable. Not all. But, more do than not.
See, by posting success about your personal growth AND business breakthroughs, you inspire others to raise their own standards. Never dim your light to help someone feel better.
You are here to be fully in your power. The people who feel inferior to you — bless them and keep moving on. That’s their journey they need to evolve into.
I’m inviting you to be a leader of consciousness and humanity. With that you build a strong, influential brand and profitable business.
Here are sample posts to get the creative juices flowing:
Gratitude: I’m finding the true meaning behind the power of investing in my personal and professional growth. There are habits and behaviors I have been unconscious about that have kept me stuck and frustrated. Thank goodness I’m learning how to break through this stuff! I feel so much more empowered.
What you learned so far: Ha! You know how we get into business for ourselves to have that “freedom” to do as we wish and not answer to anyone? Well based on how I have scheduled my calendar – I am far off from having freedom! I’m learning how to make better decisions with my time and calendar so I take care of me, too.
Mindset changes: Ya right. Self-care time? Who has time for that? Well- I am learning how that has such a big cause and effect – that if I don’t take better care of myself and make time in my calendar for my quiet time – I won’t be as productive or fulfilled. I’ll just be more burned out. Anyone else have that issue?
This is what you are attempting to do– shine the light on your personal growth as you are going through it. This builds know, like, trust factor and intrigue for people to follow you and get to know you better. Hence, a percentage of conversion.
People want to feel connected. It’s innate in us to relate and have emotional resonance.
You will get much more conversation and engagement from your posts using proactive vulnerability rather than just get alot of likes and “beautiful” “love that” etc. comments.
The strategic purpose to social media is conversation, relationship building and impact-then conversion.
How are you inspiring people to react and engage with you? Let them into your world of thoughts, changes, and innovation. Be known as a savvy personal brand with vulnerability and courage.
Go ahead – choose 2 successes or gratitudes and post on your IG and FB accounts. Tag me so I can edify you.
Let’s raise the consciousness of our country beginning with you.
*P.S. I am opening up 3 VIP Day spots where we strategize in-person or virtually your 2017 revenues and branding plan. More details coming, however you may email us to schedule a private call with me for more information and see if this is a fit for you.
To your Divine Elegance,