Time is up for early rate tonight at midnight Pacific. This vital, dynamic workshop is for you, your colleagues, and creatives of all kinds from all over the country.


Not one person is exempt from the topic being mentored on 9/28 unless you can confirm you have a strong, abundant, healthy, respectful relationship with money.  And I mean consistently; not just when times are good.


As creative entrepreneurs we think all our results come from systems, strategies, relationship building, branding and networking. All that is very true and crucial to running a thriving business, however, there is one vital piece you are not conscious of that is keeping that “glass money ceiling” in place.


In the workshop, we will be exploring why you may have a challenge validating raising your rates, setting stronger boundaries, having empowered money conversations, and plenty more not-so-obvious below the surface challenges that affect every angle of your business.


I’m coming to you from my home in Redondo Beach in this video to chat with you about your relationship with money. I reference to the leading blind spot (of several) preventing you from growing your business and enhancing your personal growth that only a trained “eye” can see!


advancing creatives

Invest the 5 minutes to watch the video and then register before midnight for early rate.


Join me in my worldwide mission to heal women’s money relationship to inspire and empower them to soar (on their own terms).

Click here for all details and to register.


How much is your happiness, fulfillment and business success worth?


Prosperity and abundance always,

 marla sig