It’s a beautiful day to be alive!
After coaching for 12 years, I believe one of the most challenging behavior changes for high achieving women due to stereotypes society has taught us over the last four decades is feeling empowered, strong yet feminine without all the guilt.

There are countless studies too many to recite here that examine this very topic, but you know exactly what I mean. Here’s is a perfect expression of this from a client who is seeking to transform her “nice” girl imprint:
“As a woman, I want to say that in business, this is not just a man’s world, and I want to be strong and feminine at the same time. I want to be seen as being powerful and kind. What is holding me back is being viewed as a b-i-t—h and not kind. My mother always said, “it’s nice to be important, but it’s important to be nice.” So, I guess that stuck with me. Why can’t I be both?”
There you have it. The imprint thousands and thousands of women are carrying around from OLD belief systems that no longer fit our modern times. So, what do you do?
Download my free handout (no opt-in needed) and follow the yellow brick road one step at a time.
It’s a solid read. I wouldn’t pass it up. Send love and your thoughts how this plays out in your life.
Have a blessed, outstanding day, xo