Hope the headline caught your attention! It sure did for me as I scrolled through my recommended TedX videos on YouTube.

The answer to the headline is coming in a moment and it’s a good one. 

Truth be told, 2020 has felt anything but dignified. We’ve been isolated in our homes for months on end, had more ups and downs than a wild rollercoaster, and of course put to the test financially, emotionally, and mentally.

Give yourself a huge acknowledgment for being resilient and faithful. This kind of year, which we will all be sharing with future generations, as the year that took us all by surprise and humbled us in more ways than we could imagine. 

There is a gift in this year’s enormous challenge I found while listening to this TedX talk by Emily Esfahani Smith. I think you will agree. She takes the common path of happiness and turns it on its head as too stressful to attain. But, when we strive for a life of meaning, that’s where we are fulfilled and happy.

As the description in the video details reads, 

“Our culture is obsessed with happiness, but what if there’s a more fulfilling path? Happiness comes and goes, says writer Emily Esfahani Smith, but having meaning in life — serving something beyond yourself and developing the best within you — gives you something to hold onto. Learn more about the difference between being happy and having meaning as Smith offers four pillars of a meaningful life.”

Here’s the link

I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments below after watching it. What did it stir in you?  I listened to it during my nature walk recently. It’s a simple but profound message that will touch your heart.

Striving for a life of meaning has become a frequent conversation and inquiry given the conditions of our world. This topic makes for an incredible discussion. 

Email me to schedule a complimentary call to discuss how to find meaning in your life in 2021 and what coaching options are best for you to do so. support@marladiann.com 

Be good to yourself,
