Does innovation excite you? I thrive on it.

I enjoy reading Entrepreneur magazine and the Sunday LA Times Calendar and Business sections. You are sure to find news from the front lines of innovation.

The LA Times Aug 4th Calendar article, “Can Quibi reinvent mobile storytelling?” inspired today’s topic. Quibi, the new Hollywood-based phone app streaming company, founded by creative powerhouse Jeffrey Katenzberg (Remember Dreamworks?) and brilliantly powerful Meg Whitman formerly CEO of Hewlett Packard and EBay, disrupts the current movie streaming industry by one millimeter change.

Imagine these two partnering to bring the world a new entertainment tech platform?

What’s the first thing you can do to innovate your business to the next level or disrupt it to take a sharp right turn?

Think differently and bigger to impact humanity for a cause bigger than you.

Imagination is more than coloring outside the lines. It’s about changing an industry. Building a movement. Changing lives. Changing technology. Disrupting how an industry thinks to create a new consciousness.

Curiosity is your greatest asset.

In my Creative Renewal Program, I mentor how curiosity is the leading quality creatives must have to succeed in life on all levels. Keep pushing the edges on status quo. Don’t accept the usual. Keep asking questions. Find ways to do your thing differently. That’s what Jeffrey Katzenberg and Meg Whitman did when they created Quibi.

They raised over $1 Billion for the first round of financing in order to innovate movie streaming for millennials. Take premium films shot by award-winning directors and present them in episodic chapters of 10 min in length each made for only phone screens. It’s a new way of storytelling for a specific audience using an app with $5/month subscription.

Netflix, Amazon, and Showtime are for TV monitors. Phones are where the future is. Innovation doesn’t have to be a brand new idea; it can be doing something current, differently.

Is there an idea that you have been incubating? Are you waking up each day unsure, doubting, or wondering if this is the right timing? You intuitively know there is something bigger here that you are destined to do.

See possibilities where others see limitations,” quoted Cindy Eckert, a global renowned woman entrepreneur who sold two businesses in the last 10 years for $1.5 Billion. (Yep, that’s a B) Go here for her info.

What have you been thinking for weeks, months, or maybe years that has been quietly asking to be nurtured and birthed? Do tell me! I’d love to support you. You know that.

To a miracle filled curious week,
