How good will you allow your life and business to get? That’s the question given to me at my mentor’s two-day retreat this past weekend. Bullseye. Right where I needed to focus. Here’s what I have to say about that…

Creativity. Global Travel. Design. Art. Culture. Music. Events. Planning. Floral Design. Photography. Culinary Arts. Writing. Giving Value to Humanity. Healing and Wellness Arts. Architecture. Speaking. Fashion. Performing. Songwriting. Filmmaking. Singing. Interior Design. Sculpture. Painting. Choreography. Dance. Lighting.

How many of your passions do you see on that list? They are interconnected to your DESIRES. When you develop a non-negotiable approach to achieving your heart’s desires, that’s when life becomes your own unique masterpiece.

That’s what I aspire for you.

Denying your desires could cost you fulfillment, creativity, financial success, vibrancy, happiness, joy, personal growth and transformation. My several transformations over the last decade came directly from revealing my own long held denials.

Our seeds of our desires were planted in us at birth. It’s our purpose to tap into those desires and reveal them through discovery, curiosity, and intuition. Inherent in our desires is our meant-to-be evolution and successes.

Your desires FUEL your goals that create the results you want – NOT the goals themselves.

Unconsciously many of us have been imprinted that our desires are either wrong or are a luxury and can only be done if we have the time or money left over after all other things are done. You deserve your desires and you deserve them now; not later.

So, what does all this have to do with running a flourishing creative business?

When we honor our desires – we tap into our genius. That genius zone is our most fulfilling, happy, and inspired place to live and work. It’s what most comes natural to us and ignites us. It is here we monetize even more those passions and talents to make your impact!

Leave me in the comments below your top 3 desires you have yet accomplished and why you think they are still on your “to-do” list. What story are you telling yourself?

Intrigued how to shift into: “How good will I allow my life and business to get” mindset? Let’s talk. Scheduling 2019 GO AFTER YOUR DESIRES Discovery calls now.

Being in business does not require you to be ALL masculine. Your feminine power of intuition, creativity, expansion, spirituality and dignity is craving to take the lead. Email my team at and let’s make a plan to make it happen.
