I’m coming to you this week with a gentle reminder the Universe is always working on our behalf as long as we pay attention and partner with it by being conscious of how we think and feel.

The most profound benefit of partnering with the Universe is how it helps you manifest your desires as long as you do your part in keeping your vibration high more often by choosing affirmative thoughts and actions and less judgmental habits.

In the recent 21-day manifesting challenge I was in with global meditation/spirituality expert Gabby Bernstein (and 10,000 others!), she taught us a unique way to pay attention to the positive clues in our life showing us that our desires are on the way to manifesting when we notice other people having what we want.

I found this approach incredibly unique given the common human response to seeing someone else have what we want can be jealousy, lack mindset or the comparison syndrome. “I want that! Hmmm…how did they achieve that?!”

Instead, Gabby recommends this. I quote her from our session:

“When you’re in the process of manifesting, the Universe will show you all kinds of subtle, smaller signs that what you want is on the way. They’re what Abraham-Hicks call “driftwood.”

Often we simply don’t notice this guidance, or we dismiss it as just a cool little coincidence. And sometimes we don’t pick up on the guidance because it comes in the form of other people having what we want.

When someone has what you want, it confuses your fear-based ego, which thinks there’s not enough to go around. You might think that if someone has what you want, that implies it’s not available to you.

But I believe that the more you see others who have what you want, the closer you are to getting it.

Choose to see the people who have what you want as a reflection of what’s to come. When you see others who have what you want, celebrate it! Let their success mirror back to you what you’re ready to receive.

When we start to pay attention to the driftwood we encounter (in all its forms), we realize that the Universe is always giving us beautiful signs and guidance.”

What can you see this week where the Universe is dropping clues (driftwood) demonstrating what you desire is on its way? Be conscious of what’s showing up.

Looking to deepen your spirituality? We can explore. Email support@marladiann.com to schedule a private chat to see what’s next for you.

Tweet: The most profound benefit of partnering with the Universe is how it helps you manifest your desires as long as you do your part in keeping your vibration high more often by choosing affirmative thoughts and actions and less judgmental habits. @marladiann #coaching #affirmation

Blessings of abundance,
