Merry post-Christmas! How was your holiday?

With the New Year around the corner and 2020 goals sheet sitting on your desk, it’s time to make room for the “new.”

This past weekend I took a good look at my office. I scanned the room and thought, “it’s time to declutter and get this stuff in order for the New Year!”

After a long but productive few months of rigorous focus, serving my amazing clients, navigating my diligent team, and running my business, my office vibe was screaming “Make room for new. Clean this space up!”

So off I went searching on Google for organizing, creative tips to get this space back in order feeling refreshed, expansive and happy!

I actually enjoy doing this when I give myself the time to do it. It helps cleanse my mind, feel re-inspired and more motivated.

You know the importance of cleaning out old files, creating new ones for “ideal clients” that will fill that file (intention), and clearing your space for higher productivity and creativity!

Christmas holiday is the best time to do this!

“Organizing your office doesn’t have to take days, it can be done a little at a time. In fact, maintaining an organized office is much more effective if you treat it like an on-going project, instead of a massive assault. So, if you’re ready to get started, the following organizing tips will help you transform your office into an efficient workspace.” – Life Hack

Let’s get organized together for the New Year.

Here are two life hack articles with a checklist and super clever DIY ideas (visuals) for office organization. (See #26 and #38 – very handy and clever!)

If you want to delegate this to an expert organizer, I can highly recommend Elissa Giwner of Ethereal Edits, a Marie Kondo certified organizer who focuses on sparking joy and gratitude in your life while getting all your ducks in a row. 😊

Will you let me know how this helps?

Tweet: Maintaining an organized office is much more effective if you treat it like an on-going project, instead of a massive assault @marladiann #creatives #mentor #coaching #maisel #marvelous

Tons of gratitude,
