It’s a sobering time in USA. Humanity has gone through so much. In the midst of heartache and deep pain, there was a stage of triumph and innovation with SpaceX last Saturday. It’s incredible that Elon Musk’s SpaceX took two decades to manifest.

Imagine sitting at THE mastermind table 20 years ago with Elon when the initial vision was created. SpaceX was the first private spaceship designed, created, and completed outside of NASA. It’s been nine years since NASA sent astronauts into space.

May 30 was another historic moment in the USA’s fabric of triumph. It’s unfortunate the painful condition of our country didn’t allow us to celebrate that as loudly as we could have, but in our way, let’s honor it.

Here’s how I see that happening this next week for you:

I coach the power of 90-day plans. By chunking down your year vision into 90-day increments and then 30-day actionable goals, you are furthering the success of your vision.

Let’s have you come up with a 90-day vision – in the AS IF principle – claiming it AS IF it’s has already occurred.

It’s refreshing to get back to that mindset, isn’t it? It’s a feeling of hope and prosperity.

Take these steps:

  1. What is the impact you want to make with your genius talents? What are your financial goals? Whose lives will be enhanced?
  2. Choose from those prompts – your two most important goals over the next 90 days and claim it as completed already. Then write down the actions you will take to complete it.

BTW, on an energetic (metaphysical) level, by focusing on your vision, you are uplifting humanity to a new level of hope and prosperity. What we think and feel can be felt from afar.

Make your impact in your own life and that of humanity and share with me what that is in the comments below, please.

Tweet: What is the impact you want to make with your genius talents?   @marladiann #coaching #genius #talents #mindset

Hope & prosperity,
