Studies have shown three of the leading reasons women are in business for themselves is meaning, purpose and being paid well for our passions.


These are key to our happiness and vitality.


Right ladies?


Among my clientele, I have the privilege of mentoring many abundantly creative women in the wedding event industry.  They are passionate visionaries wanting to express their artistry while adding value to their client’s lives.


Meaning, purpose and being paid well for my passion for me has come to fruition. That was not always the case. It’s been a long, oftentimes frustrating road that eventually led to personal transformation.


I always say your personal growth precedes your business growth. That proves itself time and time again. As I keep challenging and healing personally and professionally, so do my clients.


Kind of works that way 🙂


What are you willing to do to up-level and let go of what’s no longer working for you? Success, higher revenues, elevated self-worth and confidence awaits you on the other side of frustration, fear, and feeling stuck.


Here’s an inspiring short story highlighting the importance of meaning, purpose and being paid well. Thanks Jenni Hill!


Jenni-and-Marla-2015-1“That session was amazing! I am about 1/4 way through my 6-month coaching program and I’m already experiencing shifts in me and it’s very different than what I expected.


It is making me stronger and more confident in all aspects of my life (not just business). Funny is I am naturally a confident and strong person , BUT wow I’m finding that I am these things and even more!


I don’t think I ever fully understood the emotion behind the word empowered, but now with Marla’s guidance and wisdom, I am feeling it! It’s EMPOWERING! It’s a powerful and amazing feeling.


There are some things (as we all have) from my past that I had NO CLUE were holding me back. To discover this and let it go is…well it’s empowering!


And now I can focus better on my business and balancing my personal life. This mentoring is one of the most inspiring things I can ever do for my life , family, career and happiness and we just began!”

 Jenni Hill-Horsburgh | Owner


blog3(Update on this story …now 4 months into her mentoring program – Jenni has increased her client load and revenues so much that she is looking to hire another team member to handle the new influx of business. She even began the new year already booked out through May and June!


And it just keeps on coming.


She just called me, in fact, today to share all the leads and new business she received just this week alone! What do we attribute this to? Several things.


We restructured her focus, systems, money relationship, calendaring, boundaries, and mindset. She was already on a good path with a savvy mindset, but she needed serious systems, leverage and scaling . So proud of Jenni!)


Photo credits: Planning/Design: A Good Affair Wedding & Event Production
Photo: KLK Photography
Venue: Rancho La Lomas
Floral Design: Little Hill Floral Designs


Are you done with the struggle and frustration of doing it all? Ready for the next level of success in your business? Let’s have you be the next SUCCESS story.


Email my team for an exploratory call to look at your meaning, purpose and being paid well for your passion.