Dear Innovator, 

In 2016, my coach then, Ali Brown, a world-renowned women’s business and leadership mentor, gave our group of 100+ women the book, The Big Leap, during our in-person two-day retreat at a hotel in Arizona.

This two-day gathering was part of our year-long program. We all loved these several times a year back then.

She explained while talking to us from the front of the room on the first of those two days how incredibly life changing Gay Hendrick’s book will be for us when we understand and use the strategy of operating in our zone of genius more often going forward.

She was right as always. As I read through the book for the first time, I was lifted to a whole new level of thinking and decision making in my creativity and joy while running my business like never before.

It occurred to me I was being given permission to actually enjoy my work and nurture my creativity, rather than “muscle” through it because that’s just how things were done then.

Ali is always ahead of the curve, intuitive, and innovative, which is why I loved being in her programs. It was that timeframe where I learned the true meaning of “Thought Leadership.”

That looked like stepping away from the collective consciousness and finding ways to affect my communities and clients in an innovative, inspiring way using my zone of genius, and be financially rewarded well for that.

That was a big game changer for me in how I showed up in the world. Just like I aspire for you.   

When I am in my zone of genius as I coach my clients around their own zone of genius talents (this is core to my mentoring), here is what I am navigating:

  • I guide you to a higher level of operating by claiming your zone of Genius while helping you position yourself in a category of your own.
  • And, by operating more often in your genius zone, there is little to no competition.
  • I am helping you realize your true, higher value resulting in an increase in revenue more consistently, which means your rates are different from what your industry may dictate or believe.

Let’s celebrate you, your creativity and fabulous zone of genius. Curious how to begin this change? I am an email or DM away. or on Instagram @marla_diann and we will schedule a call to start the conversation.


Live your Zone of Genius,

Xo Marla