MD_2014_sales_pageAs a Personal Branding/Business Innovation expert, I find many clients come to me ready to transform their branding and revenues but don’t realize how their unconscious money patterns have been keeping them under earning, in constant worry, lack mindset, guilt about their worth, or any “contraction” energy around money regardless of their commitment to branding & marketing systems.


I initially explore with them how they are IN relationship with money. What that means is how you hold money in your heart, mind & soul at any given moment. Let’s do a self-check. Ask yourself, does your relationship with money feel distant, disconnected, fearful, maybe even disrespectful, or burdened often? Or have you replaced your old stories, behaviors and patterns with a more respectful, conscious, loving, trusting and divine relationship with the energy of money? (This is very tangible and aligns with usage of quantum physics creating results!)


Regardless, money will require our attention – positively or negatively – and we get to choose which one will be our default mode.  I help you recalibrate a new “default” mode with money that serves you in much more empowering ways by using the “energy” of money, “expansive energy vs. contraction energy”, tangible systems and tools and mindset shifts that affect you at a cellular level. The mindset and re-calibration is to be in gratitude, appreciation, abundance, trust, joy, faith, and respect even in the face of uncertainty.



There is no level of income not affected by this old default mode. When Tonia and I worked together on this money breakthrough method during the selling of her successful property management business, she was determined to let go of any limiting money beliefs and behaviors so her next business journey would have a foundation of clarity, prosperity and immediate tools to help her shift at any given moment from lack or fear to open receptivity and respect for money.  She changed her whole meaning of money to uplevel her business and branding.


MD blog 1-9-14 pic"Thank you Marla for your Money Method Breakthrough coaching! I appreciate the abundance perspective that you've given me. The world needs more wealthy women! Higher income allows me to travel with family, more time with them, I’m more productive in fewer hours, and less stress. Thank you & I wish you the best of success in getting this message out to more women! $$$$$$,” Tonia Shump, Believing in Possible (


Here’s how this expands or contracts your branding process: by healing your money story and having a breakthrough in your relationship with money, a shifting occurs that opens up the channels of creativity and connection to your worth and value. A bountiful of ideas come through you as a result of your clearing. Client, Laura Weinbtraub, had this exact experience.


laura_weintraub--MD"When I started on a re-branding process with Marla, we began with how I was in relationship with money first, much to my surprise, I had a very quick major breakthrough I didn't even expect! By healing my "money story" and replacing it with a powerful new mindset and new story, I up-leveled to a new ME and a bevy of creative ideas for my new brand emerged! The dam broke and now I can see my whole new brand and its components. WOW! I got my HAPPY back! Thank you Marla – what a breakthrough!"  Laura Weintraub, Redondo Beach,


You know you are ready for a money breakthrough when…

  • You’ve had an “elusive” avoidance or procrastination around money, paying bills, invoicing, balancing checking accounts, reading bank statements or tracking income.
  • Maybe you have been under earning for several years, even though you know you're worth so much more.
  • You may frequently find yourself short of money, despite trying to make more. (This goes for high income producing people, too!)
  • You have wanted to achieve a new level of success in your business or career, but something always seems to be preventing you from making significant progress towards your goals; and you are beyond frustration trying to figure it out.
  • You secretly wish someone would hand you a debt payoff plan that feels liberating, dignified, and simple.
  • You are so fed up with money blame, shame or guilt and are more than ready to heal your relationship with money, once and for all.
  • You have surrendered to the fact that you MUST transform your deepest fears regarding money into enlightened and joyful action or you give up your dreams.
  • The security and wealth you have desired for you and your family year after year has you very concerned and worried.
  • You realize these money issues require personal coaching to help you make these life-changing, important breakthroughs.


"My fear and anxiety around money has basically disappeared."


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"My most profound shifts I experienced around money was the strategy of expansive energy visualizing results in the present tense and paying myself first. My fear and anxiety around money has basically disappeared. This has caused me to become more confident in myself and my abilities; seeing money not as an enemy but as a friend. I have always thought of money as something that needs to be held onto – a finite resource. After completing the MBM course with Marla, I now feel and view money as an infinite and renewable resource to be used, invested and spent and of course, enjoyed.”

KATE BROWN | Contemporary Abstract Artist


3 Tips to Get You Started On the Path to Higher Earning Power:

  1. Open your wallet. Throw out all the old receipts, file the important receipts in a clean folder for good bookkeeping, clean out all old stuff in there and make room for MORE money to be neatly placed in your wallet. Ladies, find all the loose change and bills sitting at the bottom of your purse and put it neatly in your wallet. Better yet, buy a new wallet that makes you feel regal, rich and abundant and be on the lookout for new money coming your way!
  2. You know all those gift cards and gift certificates you forgot about in your wallet or in the desk drawer? USE them now! Put your money in circulation and let it flow. (When you hoard your gift cards, you are keeping money from flowing in your life. Money is meant to be circulated to grow.) Then ask yourself where else do you hoard money (frugality) out of fear there is not enough or you believe the last buck stops here (you).
  3. MD 1-9-14 pic2Identify places and situations you give away your power with money (i.e., charging low rates or fees, bartering your services frequently, hoarding money, ignoring debt or bills in the mail, avoiding looking at your bank balances, infrequent bill paying to name a few). Then list how you COULD stand in your power with money and ALL the benefits of your courage. (Family, business, work, spiritual, health, vacations, etc.)


Attend January 23,  2014 LIVING A SIX SENSORY ABUNDANT LIFE AND BRAND EXPERIENCE one day retreat in Los Angeles to kick your money stuff to the curb and build a savvy, compelling soulful brand.  Details for early bird rates and details – go to

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Marla Diann is a personal branding and business innovation expert for small to multi-million dollar business owners with over 25 years in PR, branding and business ownership. For more information and to receive Marla’s complimentary money and branding checklists, please go to