A ton of activity has been going on behind the scenes at my company serving clients, creating programs, running trainings and building momentum for the year. You know it takes time to rev up enough power to get that plane off that tarmac!
But with all that comes possible small mishaps (running too fast) along the way that requires you to s-l-o-w down, listen within and pay attention to the message that you are out of balance! It just happened to me this week. It’s a humbling experience. I then look for the gift in the challenge and here it is.
You’ve been there, right? You know what I mean.
I am gifting you with something really joyful that is helping me re-center and get back into balance.
The gift has no attachments, no obligations, and no offers. The only thing I would love from you is feedback on this blog post. This gift was an intuitive message I heard loud and clear.
For the next few blog posts, I am gifting (tithing) you with two of my favorite “Perfect Health & Well Being” audios from the Deepak Chopra/Oprah 21 Day Meditation Challenge they did last year. It’s my own way of creating a high vibration for all of us to thrive.
I bought the series and have jumped back into it to re-center my life and well-being. I know many of you are running hard and fast, too, and would totally enjoy this as much as I do and reap the benefits.
So for all those who are already meditating or those who want to learn, these next three audios are a wonderful support.
The first audio focuses on creativity. Our lives thrive on creativity. Whether it’s being resourceful with a solution for a business challenge, writing a creative blog post that results in more than the usual positive feedback, or a brilliant idea that turns into thousands of dollars of revenues – you have your own creative well-spring to rely on to support your success – but only if you will be still enough to listen.
I find downtime is the mother of inspiration where our best “Divine Downloads” come through when we have quieted the mind and remain open to the gifts of knowledge that can evolve us into our next business success.
An excerpt from Deepak’s creativity audio:
“Some of our best ideas rise to the surface spontaneously. We make a bold discovery – have an “aha” moment instantly visualizing the solution or we reconnect with our Dharma – our true purpose…Let’s go now to the source of spirit – creativity.”
From my heart to yours, enjoy this audio and lavish in your own wisdom.
Please share below your aha moments and experience with the meditation! Inspire us! If interested, here is the link to check out the whole series on Deepak’s site.
Gratitude and abundant blessings,