Have you noticed the high level of “noise” online where you’ve probably found your own brand messaging being drowned out and diluted? Are the right people actually seeing your content? Many say there is little to no barrier to entry to show up online and call yourself an expert.


It’s overwhelming and oversaturated.


You wonder if your core branding is being heard and seen in ALL those social media conversations. It’s a must today to show up online if we are in business; but how given this density?


There is a rumbling of change. Can you feel it?


Back in 2007 as I was nearing the end of my traditional PR career as an entertainment publicist, I felt this deep divine discontent that urged me to pull back and observe what’s happening to culture, people, and the world. Social media was just emerging and people were in major curiosity how this virtual platform would work. We barely had an idea but the intrigue of innovation had us poking around on Facebook and My Space (remember that site?!) to play this new fame game.


We were evolving personally and globally without understanding it.


I, too, was so intrigued but had no initial idea what social media was going to do for our lives in the coming years. I soon found out social media was becoming the “new PR.” Ha-ha, I said. That’s where we are headed; now to figure this thing out. How do I stay in the game of innovation and re-invent myself to serve others?


After much careful research and testing out Facebook, I then knew what my previous intuition (the discontent) was telling me – it’s innovation – it’s the new channel to connect and bring the human race together more often – and fulfill the craving we all unconsciously desired: to connect, gather and be heard.  Brilliant –  I whispered to myself. I was beyond excited to have the opportunity to coach business owners how to define their own brand in their own voice without the usual Journalism regulations!


At that time I was evolving from the world of traditional PR into a mentor for business owners giving them my expertise how to turn their essence into an authentic, human brand that inspires and influences the right avatar client; and it build a tribe that converts.


The core “mass change” back in 2007? It’s emerging again.


Some call it critical mass online and expect the bubble to burst. I call it “get a new “push-the-envelope” platform and strategy online and make it in service for the greater good.”  In other words, show up with a bigger mission in mind via your brand. Go beyond your own needs and stand for a cause bigger than who you are and make THAT your “why” in business.


Be a thought-leader brand to change the conversation online to serve your tribe and beyond to sustainable change.  This can be done in small and large ways. No need to think you are required to change the world.  It’s about taking action in your own passionate way.   


As an advocate of cultural change and innovation, I am always on the lookout for how to do things differently than others. I follow innovators. I listen. My mentors are always on the cutting edge.


I may be inspired by current content; but I always seek to live and then mentor my clients “Do it in your own voice and style. Be authentic. Be vulnerable. And inspire others to do the same.”


Yes, it takes courage to be a thought-leader brand. That’s what innovators do. They are early adopters of change and their focus is how can they contribute to progress while enhancing lives.


Those who influence to inspire others will thrive; those who lead to gain recognition will be slow to progress. Make it an intention to change and innovate. Thought leaders today are informed, vulnerable, and willing to take a risk in their field of expertise. They are trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas; turn ideas into reality, and then show how to replicate their success. Leaders who inspire stand for a cause bigger than themselves and their own business.


Not everyone fits this profile. I understand. There are innovators and there are slower adopters. That’s perfectly fine. The leaders who inspire require a tribe of believers to carry out the mission for the greater good TOGETHER.


You know who you are if this wake-up call hits a chord for you.


It’s time.


What’s your cause that can affect progress in your industry?


How can you help others then show how to replicate your system of innovation? (Look at Apple: We Think Differently is their “why” and… by the way they sell computers, phones, etc.)


I encourage you to listen to your inner voice – your intuition – and step up for evolution in your own way in your own voice.


How do you get started? Three ways:


1. Register for my upcoming mastermind workshop, “EVOLVE: Lead to Inspire,” on June 18th in Santa Monica from 4-9 pm with my special guest thought leader Mallika Chopra where “those of like-minds” will gather to inspire one another to sustainable change and innovation.


I invited Mallika due to her being a stellar example of a women’s leadership brand that stands for global wellness> Her platform speaks clearly via her Intent.com site, community, and new book “Living with Intent: My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace and Joy.” Click here to register today! Room for only 50 change agents!



2. Step away from your hurried life and spend a day or two in nature away from everyone and everything. Place an intention out to the Universe stating your request for clarity on your mission.  Ask “How can I direct the conversation online to create inspired, sustainable change?” Journal, meditate, and breathe deeply. Be patient for an answer. It could come in form of a call, an email, an event, a book, a conversation, a sign, or a feeling.  Be on the watch. It comes in stages; usually not all at once. Follow the bread crumbs. See where it takes you as you follow your inner voice.


3. Observe, watch and read your social media channels for clues. What is your tribe talking about? What are their needs? What are their fears? What are they NOT saying (read between the lines).


Your answer becomes your “why” and others who believe in the “why” will join you.


To your mission and cause,
