How many times have you listened to your small, soft voice within that begins with a whisper and if you don’t listen after a few more nudges it gets louder and then something may actually happen that we label as a BIG wake up call?
You know what I’m referring to, right?
When your intuition comes knocking but you ignore the messages because you are too busy “doing” and not enough “being” (stepping out of the hurried pace of life), you end up missing out on something major. Our intuition ALWAYS leads us to something in alignment with our evolution wrapped around safety, progress, truth, and beauty.
I’m writing this because of two reasons:
- This is how Mallika Chopra ended up being the guest thought leader speaker for the June 18th’s EVOLVE mastermind workshop. You truly want to be there to hear her story and wisdom to inspire you to form your thought leader brand.
As I was taking my morning walk in late April where I get most of my inspiration, I heard a small voice very clearly say to me, “Invite Mallika to your workshop to speak.” (I had just met her two weeks prior at her local book signing.) I paused for a moment and without hesitation, said YES. And off I went to connect with her team and here we are!
- Innovators, change agents, and leaders have this intuitive quality about themselves. They have learned to listen within and take action without question. We’ll dive into that as part of honing in on your thought leader brand platform during the workshop!
Mallika is carrying the beautifully orchestrated “Chopra Wellness” legacy in her own way. Look at this:
- Mallika is a mother, media entrepreneur, and internationally published author.
- She’s founder of, a website focused on personal, social and global wellness, with over 10,000 subscribers.
- Her books, “100 Promises To My Baby” and “100 Questions From My Child” have been translated and sold in dozens of countries worldwide.
- She had the privilege of being a spokesperson for UNICEF.
- She helped launch the Heal The World Foundation in the 1990s with Michael Jackson.
- Helped re-launch MTV in India.
- Served as a Health Ambassador for the Pepsi Refresh Everything Project in the US – an initiative that gave millions of dollars to individuals, non-profits and companies for projects in their communities.
- Mallika is also the founder of The Chopra Well, a premiere YouTube channel she launched with her brother, Gotham, and father, Deepak Chopra.
- She co-founded the dotcom with her father.
- She is president of Chopra Media LLC.
- Sits in the board of directors of Liquid Comics.
- Blogs for Beliefnet and Huffington Post.
- Has a Bachelor of Arts from Brown University, and MBA from Kellogg Business School
- Author of her newest book, “Living with Intent. My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace, and Joy.”
Guarantee the mastermind collaboration in that room the evening of June 18th will be so dynamic that long held ideas needing to be birthed will happen and soon shared with the world.
The electricity in the air will be palpable! New thought leader brands will be born.
I’m expecting the leaders, visionaries, and innovators together to leave that evening on a new “high” that will affect change in our culture. They will have begun creating their new branding platform which will then require delivery via a savvy strategic plan.
Is it time you stepped up to stand out to inspire change for the greater good?
Click here for more details, our guest speakers, and to save your spot. Early rate ends June 8th. Registrations are coming in. I’m making this a powerful small group of up to 35. Secure your seat.
Let’s do this TOGETHER,