blog picHow many times have you had one of those “uh-oh” moments when you thought your world was crashing in on you because something “out of the blue” happened that threw you off course?


You had this twinge of fear in the middle of your stomach that signaled a warning sign of insecurity and uncertainty. Can I offer you a new perspective that will calm your nerves and shift you completely into trust, celebration and excitement?


My client last week came to me in a panic thinking her world was falling apart and bad news written all over her situation. While she was working on building her dream business – a life coaching wellness company – she still had a full-time corporate managerial job that gave her security of a paycheck. BUT her dream was to replace that income and tedious, meaningless work (her words) into a fulfilling life of passion changing lives through her coaching business. She is mentoring with me to build that dream quicker and more steadily by setting intentions, clearing the clutter, healing her relationship with money, re-inventing her brand and developing her packaging and pricing of her services.


Last week she had a major change in who she answered to that would not be a good match for her. This knocked her off her center and put her in pure fear mode. As she shared about this “seemingly” troubling situation I smiled as I read her email. Here was my response:


“Seriously, this is all expected to happen – you are in the middle of an up-leveling. When we shift into a new space energetically by means of our intentions, thoughts and feelings – the Universe conspires to support us. Our path to get to our goals and dreams never looks the way we expect! In fact as my mentor calls it “wonkyville” sets in and what was once decorum in your life now looks like chaos! It’s a good thing!


Hear me out- as we let go of our old stuff, habits, people, and things that don’t serve our new life and who are we becoming – these things will fall away (and thank goodness). This change at your work is a HUGE blessing! You are being asked by Spirit to take that leap of faith toward your dreams and goals you have wanted! This is a wonderful opportunity to take a stand for what you want (change departments and work fewer hours). Do it.


You bet you can now take more time to set up workshops and private clients. Go for it. The Universe has been waiting for you to take that stand. It’s not a “troublesome” situation – it’s cause for celebration and liberation! Take advantage of this opportunity to pursue your dream and passion like never before. You have to let go and trust. It’s in times like these that you evolve.”


blog pic1Her response: “Your response today just amazed me! It actually gave me chills and brought me tears of happiness. I’m trying so hard to have faith that this will all work out. I don’t how this will work out, but I feel good that I made a decision. The most important thing in the world to me right now is to build my coaching business. So I’m open and letting go so new miracles come my way.”


This – my friends – is called a miracle – a blessing. What conventional logic would tell us otherwise is actually a beautiful shift. It’s the miracle you have been asking for; it just didn’t look like how you had planned or envisioned, right?


Please know that most miracles come with delays and are often disguised in what seemingly looks like a failure. Transformation requires us to let go of something we’ve been holding onto in order to let the new shift or miracle happen. That letting go is often something of a lesser value or what I call “saying no to the good to allow the great to come in.” And that is one of the hardest things to do because we want some assurance we are doing the right thing.


This is where trust and faith comes in. You are being tested to stop controlling everything in your life and allow the Universe to partner with you.


Here’s how you know your “troubling” situation is actually a miracle waiting to happen:

  1. When you look back at the previous few weeks and months – you know you have expressed your new intention often (the change). Trace your thoughts and conversations with others to see how much you have been “planting” this shift to happen without realizing it. (This is a call to be more conscious.)
  2. You begin to look for the gift in the challenge and flip the negative response into a state of gratitude and celebration!
  3. You feel completely liberated once you realize this challenge or debacle was actually a blessing in disguise and you begin to strengthen your intention and vision with more actions and more focus to help manifest your desire quicker.

This article was written for all you entrepreneurs who courageously travel the journey of uncertainty, celebration, fear, trust, doubt, and then excitement as you get closer to achieving your dreams and goals; and becoming the next version of who you are meant to be. Now go celebrate!


Do let me know how this helped by making a comment below and sharing with your friends! Pay it forward, ok?


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