What is the secret behind the art of recruiting world class sales talent and teams for early-stage technology companies? Listen in for her leading edge.
As you can imagine, being an executive recruiter requires a good amount of intuitive skill to find and hire topline talent for companies. Intuition is the leading edge when pursuing and interviewing talent.
I’m pleased to bring you my dear friend and client, Dinna Voges, Owner/President/CEO of Dinna.io to the podcast. Her leading edge in her 20+ year career is her intuition.
As you will hear, interestingly, she interacts mostly with men all day serving them as clients and candidates. Dinna helps ambitious early-stage technology companies build world class teams by finding and attracting the right talent for their crucial Go-To-Market roles, which is the customer facing needs such as Sales Engineering, Customer Success, Marketing.
You will hear stories about how by consistently accessing her instincts, not logic, she successfully hires the right fit for the company and role. She says when she has gone against her intuition, the results typically did not bode well.
So, how often do you find this happens to you in your personal life? Work life? This is a very common concern of women. Wanting to lean into their intuition, but defaulting to their logic and critical thinking instead. If I had a dollar for every time I heard this, I’d be… well, you know the saying. Stick with us. We’ve got you covered.
Join us in a compelling conversation about being a driven, intuitive, high achieving woman in the tech industry and how Dinna navigates the balance of the feminine and masculine energies while fostering true partnerships and what she calls “raving fans” with her clients. She’s a pro at it. You will definitely pick up golden nuggets from her wisdom.
Links from the show:
Website: www.dinna.io
email: Dinna@dinna.io and LinkedIn, dinna.io
**Laser 1-1 coaching: https://marladiann.com/laser-coaching
**CREATE Cohort 2025 with early rate enrollment now: https://marladiann.com/create
**Free Higher Earning Power download, Top Recommended Success Books list, and Feed Your Creativity download: https://marladiann.com/free
Intro call: https://calendly.com/successcoach-marladiann/connection?month=2024-10
If you enjoyed the episode and podcast, I’d appreciate a review on Apple & Spotify. Let’s connect: @marla_diann.
Three free resources for creative entrepreneurs: www.marladiann.com/free
Ready for transformation in business or life or both? I invite you to have a conversation. Use: https://calendly.com/successcoach-marladiann/connection.
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hi, i’m your host
Marla Diann!
I’ve been transforming creative entrepreneurs’ lives for over 27 years through two businesses. As a success coach and business strategist, I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs collapse the time frame of achieving their desires and goals.
It’s time to make joy your inner GPS for life and business decisions rather than lean on your logic and reason, first.
You’ll not only be following what is most authentic to you and for you, but you will live the beautiful life meant just for you.
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