Ep #24: Why is owning your zone of genius the ultimate leverage in your business and the path to highest revenues resulting in more joy and much less hustle?

I know you’ve heard of the buzz word, Zone of Genius. It’s everywhere. And, for good reason. It’s a thing. The genius zone. There are six worthy benefits for you, the entrepreneur, by working in your genius zone most of the time. In this episode, I give you those as you will come to understand that working in your zone of genius becomes your proper leverage strategy and path to highest revenues with much more joy and much less hustle. Even more, you’ll operate from your higher creativity most of the time.

I’m giving you plenty of golden nuggets (I recommend a notepad), but, I have a no-cost recorded masterclass right now for you that goes into much more detail – it is accessible for a limited time in a private forum during the enrollment period of OWN YOUR GENIUS ZONE 7-week course that begins mid-January. My Black Friday special is currently available now till Dec 1 that offers a $300 savings on the course.

Use this link https://marladiann.com/geniuszone/free to access the recorded Masterclass video. Come join me and others in the private forum to discuss this topic. You can find the 7-week course details at https://marladiann.com/geniuszone Blessed Thanksgiving friends. Remember, always follow your joy, it’s where your intuition is the doorway to your wisdom and your genius.

If you enjoyed the episode and podcast, I’d appreciate a review on Apple & Spotify. Let’s connect: @marla_diann.

Three free resources for creative entrepreneurs: www.marladiann.com/free
Ready for transformation in business or life or both? I invite you to have a conversation. Use: https://calendly.com/successcoach-marladiann/connection.

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hi, i’m your host

Marla Diann!

I’ve been transforming creative entrepreneurs’ lives for over 26 years through two businesses. As a success coach and business strategist, I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs collapse the time frame of achieving their desires and goals.

It’s time to make joy your inner GPS for life and business decisions rather than lean on your logic and reason, first.

You’ll not only be following what is most authentic to you and for you, but you will live the beautiful life meant just for you.

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