Reimagine your creativity, Business, & Life

Looking to shorten the time frame of achieving your desires, goals and increasing your revenues while leveraging your business in a way that does not burn you out? Is that possible for you?

Absolutely, when you learn to follow your joy and genius by trusting your intuition first for direction, and then allowing your logic and intellect to translate the inner guidance into solid actions that produce results. That’s inspired action, not massive burnout action.

Hello, I’m Marla Diann, an international intuitive business strategist and life designer of Marla Diann Mentoring International. I’ve been transforming the lives and businesses of creative entrepreneurs for over 25 years as an entrepreneur of two businesses.

We may be a fit if…


You've been in business for 2-20 + years and you are ready and COMMITTED to creating your next level of success and revenues while living a laptop lifestyle.

You are seeking to live that laptop lifestyle where travel to dreamy destinations or any location is part of your business model. You want to streamline your business systems and strategies while achieving higher, more consistent revenues without all the burnout associated with expansion. (There is actually a way to find joy in making money rather than the hard hustle.)

You seek a more innovative, intuitive, and progressive way to make an impact for your clients or customers.

All the while monetizing your joy of working more often in your genius zone resulting in higher revenues.

You are ready for your NEXT level of impact and income if this is attractive to you.

Identifying and implementing new success habits, renewing your creativity, developing a leveraged business model supported by a qualifying sales system, discovering your genius zone for more fulfilment, and especially transforming your relationship with money (wealth consciousness) that results in a dignified self-worth, self-value, and empowering money conversations.


You’ve had an idea for a while needing more exploration and a sounding board to speak your thoughts out loud.

You want to see it come to fruition, alive, and out into the world, but something happened along the way in the creative process to slow it down.

featured program

let’s uncover what’s possible beyond your
hidden barrieRs to higher achievement

One-Hour Laser Coaching Session
with Marla Diann

Work with Marla

Private Coaching
My sweet spot is helping you monetize your stellar talents within a business structure that creates profits.
Group Coaching

Speaking Platforms for Creatives Eager to Teach and Impact from the Stage!

Ready to Book Team and Group Trainings?
Find out how Marla can support your team and what topics she covers.
What’s possible when we work together?

What my clients are saying…

“My business took a hit as a result of Covid, like many businesses. Not exclusive to my business or industry. I was getting frustrated around money. Why is money not coming in? Why can’t I achieve the sales I am accustomed to? Why, why? Then I was referred to Marla from a colleague of mine and that’s when things began to turn around.

Marla pointed out to me I had a block around money. So, I applied the techniques she has taught me in my personal life and business and, a MIRACLE happened, a blessing, a gift! From that point on, April-December 2021, my revenues escalated with ending the year well beyond my financial goals!”

“Core to my money beliefs prior to coaching included the myth that having an abundance of money meant there was a lack of creativity involved. It was an either/or statement. Now, I come from creativity first and truly welcome an abundance of money spearheading my vision.

Marla helped me create both a qualifying sales funnel system to determine the kind of clients I want to work with first and foremost.

I stand for my worth — and am not willing to offer any cut rates, discounts, barters, or negotiated rates. Marla also helped me determine the kinds of strategic offerings that will escalate my business. I have shifted perspective on client engagement because of it.”

"Since implementing my new rates and Marla’s qualifying sales system, I have experienced my highest month of income in my seven years of business at $14,000 in just one month. And we are on track to hit almost that amount again this month!

I am now standing in my worth, believing that I am an expert in my industry, and have established and maintained boundaries with my clients.”

"The two months during the program coincided with my largest earning months of my business to date and I booked my largest jobs to date (2 booking over $4,000 apiece from $2,800 base package price). I made $12k in one weekend. I raised the rates on all of my packages and no one has asked for a discount or tried to negotiate with me on rates.”

"In the brief few weeks, I have acquired 6 new clients at my higher rate, created a strong list of professionals who I have contacted and gained their commitment to providing strong referrals to prospective clients and have developed a higher frequency of self-worth and balance."


All of our certainty is gone and changes daily. What used to work and could be counted on, is no longer. We are required to be flexible, resilient, and strong. But there is another way.

The solution is to reawaken your creative spirit.

I aspire for you to quiet the noise in your head long enough to hear and listen to the callings of your spirit and soul. The life you are meant to live.

When you are aware of what feeds your spirit, and follow that with actions, you will thrive. This is one of my deepest passions in life.

It’s time to stop enduring life; instead live it with passion.

Enduring leaves us temporarily starved for vitality, love, adventure, and enjoyment, even if on the outside it “looks” like we are successful.

In 1996, 2006, and 2017 I was there, too. I felt like a manufactured version of myself. I was cut off from my creativity and my spirit and what fed my heart and soul.

I was directed by my intuition and creative spirit to take a leap of faith and honor what lit me up, and as a result I changed my life all three times!

To live an authentic, THRIVING creative life and business, we must honor our spirit by what brings us the most joy and what nourishes us at the core.

You have several possibilities in how we can work together depending on your needs.

Let’s explore how your next success could happen and if we are suited for each other.

my passion is to help you…


Cultivate CONFIDENCE when it comes to having empowering money conversations in sales while charging what you are worth and converting that more consistently.


Collapse the time frame of how long you think it will take to increase your revenues while leveraging your business in a way that does not burn you out.


Apply new self-kindness habits so that your relationship with yourself and others transform.


Understand the difference between masculine and feminine traits in business and why it is paramount to have a masterful blend of both so that you can make healthier decisions for your well-being and success.


Develop money habits of a high earning creative entrepreneur by learning to make decisions from where you want to be; not where you are.


Apply your genius zone talents to a 7-point metric system that helps you choose daily which projects and actions are worthy of your time. And much more.

Get Started

with a Free Resource

the Path to higher Earning Power

Get my guide to 5 Practical Steps to Get You Started on the Path to Higher Earning Power and Money Breakthrough Checklist.

Top Book Recommendations

I credit profound transformation for myself and clients reading these recommended books.

Feeding Your Creative Spirit Impacts Your Income

When you are aware of what feeds your spirit, and follow that with actions, you will thrive on many level especially in your money attraction. Download my new free guide to find out how.
Speaking & Media

Is your group, event, or conference looking for fresh, inspiring expertise?

I’ve spoken as a keynote speaker for over 13 years as an in-demand podcast guest, an expert for online programs, colleges, conferences, and corporate events.
6 Steps to Go After What Lights You Up Without Fear
How to Honor Your Talents by Charging Your Worth
Ban the Burnout with Inspired Action
Achieve Your One-year Goals in Six-weeks Using Four Overlooked Strategies
Does Your Brand Have Social Responsibility? The Conscious Path to Business Growth for Thought Leaders
What’s Included?

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Download a free resource

I’ve created three different resources and have made them available for free. You can access my top book recommendations, best tips on earning more, and ways to ignite your creative spirit.

Work with Me

I listen for what’s not being said to uncover the truth about your next breakthrough and success while helping you release old limiting thoughts and beliefs so you can create a life and business you can be proud of.

Recent Podcasts

I’ve recently been a guest speaker on many podcasts on a variety of different topics. Tune into them here.