Are you dreaming too practical…
…or not at all?
Is it possible you could be dreaming too practical? Or maybe not at all?
You might have either given up on your long-held dreams or need to recover them because they got lost along the way to success.
You are smart. Driven. High-achieving. Creative. Passionate. You have a wanderlust in your heart that needs nurturing.
You might have abandoned your dreams due to life demands, family, health concerns, too much stress. The list goes on.
Or you may not know how to dream bold enough where you find something you can marvel at?
I know. I have been there several times in the last two decades. I found my way through being loyal to following my joy and intuition.
Are you ready to unleash that stifled passion?
I realized I am not alone. There are hundreds, thousands of women asking the same questions.
How can I recover and reignite my dreams and desires?
What’s my next chapter?
What is my real joy?
How do I not lose myself again in the hustle and grind of life?
Take a brief inventory.
Allow your intuition to answer, not your logic or reason. Maybe take a nature walk?
Your Follow Your Joy Life Design Intuitive session is where you and I explore what truly lights you up and how to go from where you are to where you want to be in your next chapter, confidently.

Do any of these scenarios feel familiar?
Isn’t it time to stop going through the motions,
instead feel truly alive?
That can begin by enrolling in a luxuriously 75-minute private 1-1 Zoom session where we explore your joys using our intuition to find the light at the end of the tunnel.
One-time incentive rate of $500
normally $750
Register by Sept 15 and you will have the opportunity to schedule your call with Marla for October 10-November 30. Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email and directions how to schedule your time and day.
Special Bonus
I’ll gift you with a beautiful Italian luxury bonus treat from my brand partner, Mozzafiato. It’s a secret gift. I know you will love it. (You can check out this gorgeous marketplace by clicking here.)
Cancellation and Payment Terms You are authorizing Marla Diann Mentoring International to charge your credit card as payment. No refunds. If for any reason you need to reschedule, we will gladly give you an equivalent credit for a future service purchase. Thank you.
100% Secure Transaction You can be assured this online transaction is 100% secure and after you complete your registration you will receive an electronic receipt via email and details of your purchase.
Meet Your Life Design mentoR
I’ve been transforming creative entrepreneurs’ lives for over 26 years through two businesses. As a success coach, business strategist and transformational artist, I am passionate about helping women professionals and entrepreneurs collapse the time frame of achieving their desires and goals.
It’s time to make joy your inner GPS for life and business decisions rather than lean on your logic and reason, first.
You’ll not only be following what is most authentic to you and for you, but you will live the beautiful life meant just for you.
A sampling of client testimonials

“Before Marla’s Money Transformation program, my relationship with money was in the midst of big change. I was emerging from years of financial struggle and bad credit to receiving a windfall from the sale of my inherited house. Since I was making a pivot from a financial mess to success, I needed some expert guidance.
After the program, I’m financially focused, confident, and on the right course toward building wealth. I’m organized and know exactly where I stand financially every day. I’m a good steward of my money and make educated financial decisions. I’m engaging in an active relationship with my money that feels great!
I treat money well with respect to boundaries and honor my payments by paying bills early. If I hire someone, I pay them ahead of time and make sure I respect their rates and money boundaries as well. Plus, I loved the once-a-week live chat with everyone so much, I didn’t want the program to end!
Consciously weighing out how I feel about a financial decision: If I’m noticing that I’m “caving in” when asked for rates, I will stop and remind myself of my value and honor and respect my new boundaries. I can say “no” to a person or project if I notice myself caving into their money story by deciding to listen to my inner compass.
My credit score went way up from 560 to 753. I paid off one of two car loans, paid off my student loans, paid all credit card balances, and eliminated all debt.”
Stephanie Dianne
Painter + Designer, The Beautiful Painting Company

“Run, don’t walk, to begin your transformational journey.
From that point forward I did everything she asked me to do and completed every exercise with sincere gusto. I started seeing shifts in my world almost immediately. I had so many breakthroughs, goosebumps, and eureka moments that sometimes I just had to take a moment in silence to reflect on the gravity of what was happening.
I’m only halfway through the program and last week I closed the largest client of
my entire career effortlessly. I can’t wait to see what’s next!”
This is one hundred percent possible for you, too, when you jump in, trust, stay coachable. take action, and allow the magic to happen.
Anne Marie Webster

“Before the program: Honestly, I didn’t really value money. I had no relationship with it. I just saw it for what it was “paper” and an exchange for goods and services. I was not confident in my money conversations when it came to charging my clients. Money felt like a taboo thing you didn’t talk about. I did not track my money nor know my numbers. I would just receive it, have it in one account and spent accordingly.
After the program: It was a complete 180 for me, I was able to truly understand what the real purpose of money is. Money at its purist form is energy. It is how we are blessed for our products or services that we provide others and how we bless other people with it. Tangibly it is “paper” but at its purist form, it a blessing. I have so much respect for it now and I understand that money is abundant therefore; I don’t “fear” not being able to attain it. I now treat it accordingly by tracking it, organizing it and planning for it.
Really changing paradigms in how I think and act with money changed my life and Marla did just that; she was able to truly help me understand how money really works. Really profound and powerful how she was able to do that.” –
Juan Castro
Lead DJ & MC Invisible Touch Events | Invisible Touch Events | Full story, click here

Core to my money beliefs prior to coaching included the myth that having an abundance of money meant there was a lack of creativity involved. It was an either/or statement.
Now, I come from creativity first and truly welcome an abundance of money spearheading my vision.
Marla helped me create both a qualifying sales funnel system to determine the kind of clients I want to work with first and foremost.
I stand for my worth — and am not willing to offer any cut rates, discounts, barters, or negotiated rates.
Marla also helped me determine the kinds of strategic offerings that will escalate my business. I have shifted perspective on client engagement because of it.”
Kathleen Cohen
owner of The Collaboratorium, is a high-profile XR Immersive Strategist and Tech Humanist www.kathleencohen.com | For the full story, click here

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