visionary Entrepreneur  Business coaching

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What’s possible when we work together?

What my clients are saying…

“My business took a hit as a result of Covid, like many businesses. Not exclusive to my business or industry. I was getting frustrated around money. Why is money not coming in? Why can’t I achieve the sales I am accustomed to? Why, why? Then I was referred to Marla from a colleague of mine and that’s when things began to turn around.

Marla pointed out to me I had a block around money. So, I applied the techniques she has taught me in my personal life and business and, a MIRACLE happened, a blessing, a gift! From that point on, April-December 2021, my revenues escalated with ending the year well beyond my financial goals!”

“Core to my money beliefs prior to coaching included the myth that having an abundance of money meant there was a lack of creativity involved. It was an either/or statement. Now, I come from creativity first and truly welcome an abundance of money spearheading my vision.

Marla helped me create both a qualifying sales funnel system to determine the kind of clients I want to work with first and foremost.

I stand for my worth — and am not willing to offer any cut rates, discounts, barters, or negotiated rates. Marla also helped me determine the kinds of strategic offerings that will escalate my business. I have shifted perspective on client engagement because of it.”

"Since implementing my new rates and Marla’s qualifying sales system, I have experienced my highest month of income in my seven years of business at $14,000 in just one month. And we are on track to hit almost that amount again this month!

I am now standing in my worth, believing that I am an expert in my industry, and have established and maintained boundaries with my clients.”

"The two months during the program coincided with my largest earning months of my business to date and I booked my largest jobs to date (2 booking over $4,000 apiece from $2,800 base package price). I made $12k in one weekend. I raised the rates on all of my packages and no one has asked for a discount or tried to negotiate with me on rates.”

"In the brief few weeks, I have acquired 6 new clients at my higher rate, created a strong list of professionals who I have contacted and gained their commitment to providing strong referrals to prospective clients and have developed a higher frequency of self-worth and balance."