Countdown to Christmas and Hanukkah is already here! In my world this season that means more stories to warm your heart and remind you of the faith in humanity. (Storytelling, BTW, is the core of your brand impact).
Our next #HolidayHumanity story will certainly touch your heart and lift your spirit! My VIP client, KC Docie from Leesburg, Florida, is a courageous woman who rarely allows challenge to overcome her; instead her tenacious spirit drives her to succeed. I know her story will certainly resonate with many of you. I aspire for you to apply it to your own life and share below how this story influenced you.
One of my life’s passions is inspiring humanity to rise above the norm and be an agent of change for the good. Enjoy K.C.’s story! She is an agent of change with a BIG heart.
“This year has been one of the most challenging years I have had in my life. While divorces, break-ups, losing jobs and friends create difficult situations, I have found that with each event I chose to grow rather than let my self stagnate or even worse drown in my sorrows.
One of my favorite axioms is “Don’t Get Even – Get Ahead”. But 2015 has been different. I chose to make changes that turned my life upside down and I took myself in a complete new path. What encouraged me to make these radical changes is my mother. She is almost 90. While she is independent and lived by herself, I noticed little changes in her memory and behavior. I decided that I wanted to spend time with her. So I sold most of my belongings (which were a lot since I hold onto things (aka “clutter”). I then sold my house and quit my job to move to a different state far from where I lived.
There have been many challenges both emotionally and financially. Suddenly I was living in my Mom’s house with no income but savings, and experiencing the most difficult issue – I was her child again. Most women have had mother/daughter issues from the time we start adolescence to adulthood. Seems we can never escape being that “child” in their eyes.
Even though I have been successful in adult life, my mother began reminding me to pick up my clothes, when my bedtime came, and questioning my finances. It was very frustrating. I fought back through my tone of voice as I corrected her when she got confused about dates and times, and asked the same question repeatedly.
One evening during our frequent heated conversations – my mother confessed to me that she was afraid of dying. She didn’t want to die yet she knows that she has a limited time – maybe 10 years if we are lucky. It made me literally stop in my tracks. She has experienced her husband, all of her siblings, and many of her friends pass away. I thought how lonely and terrifying it must be.
I realized that I had an opportunity that many people do not have. I get to spend quality time with my mother. We laugh and we do things together. (She throws a mean dart and hits bullseyes almost every game.)
I see this as a wonderful gift. She too has expanded her social network because we meet people in the community when we are doing things. While I still get frustrated if I have to repeat myself because she won’t always wear her hearing aids, I’ve learned to laugh and repeat what I said. Don’t sweat the small stuff is sage advice. You may miss the opportunity to enjoy the bigger stuff.
Two major successes this year:
Thanks to Marla’s coaching I am more consistent in my money transactions. I don’t mean just bank accounts but in the way I use the energy to go further in what I want to achieve. I recognize being in the expansive mode and shift my thinking when I find myself in a constricting mode. It takes practice and consistency to make healthy money decisions and behaviors.
Another success I have had is labeling this first year living with my mother as my Sabbatical. I have given myself the freedom and flexibility to do activities that restore my passions; you know – the ones that usually take a backseat to career and relationships. I enjoy creating a new community of people in my new surroundings. I know now what true gratitude means.”
(Note: K.C.’s small but significant behavior shift pays BIG dividends by her choosing to be compassionate, loving, and non-judgmental. I encourage you to look at your own life. How can you apply that and to whom?)
Next #HolidayHumanity” story coming up soon! Stay tuned.
Happy Holidays!
Tons of gratitude and appreciation,