I’m sharing a smart approach to focus and productivity I learned from my own coach when I was in Vancouver last month at her training.
In order to take your productivity to a new level without going into overwhelm, you must create the discipline of single-minded focus in increments of time. We call them “seasons” within a 90-day window.
The steps to your 90-day planning are:
1. Define what is your goal for 90-day increments. July-Aug-Sept, what is your goal? Is it specific revenues? Developing new programs or services for your business? Better self-care routine? Delegation? Team building? List building? A new personal brand? Podcast interviews to expand your brand? Remember these need to be high-pay off activities (Genius zone). Whatever is your focus is your season. What season are you in?
2. Then you compose clear steps you need to take to achieve that one goal.
3. You ONLY focus on this for 90 days. Once you are done, you move onto the next 90 days and same system. This takes discipline not to be pulled in too many directions. Multi-tasking several projects is not a badge of honor. It’s a recipe for overwhelm.
Let me know how this works for you and what support you need. I highly recommend Arianna Huffington’s book, THRIVE. It’s all about self-care, focus, and productivity in a world of constant overwhelm.
Trust and faith,