Do you know the marketing and branding secret to Madonna and Lady Gaga’s success? They frequently re-invent themselves (brand) and business.

Being in the Madonna era (80s-2000s), I was always so impressed with her as THE leader in creative freedom and re-invention; and she is still going strong. Lady Gaga is our current powerhouse in talent and re-invention. They both are fantastic at keeping things fresh and new with each new concert tour, album or movie (“A Star is Born”).

What they both know very well and the topic for today’s inspiration is we MUST embrace evolving our brand platform and our business every few years or as creatives we lose our passion, spark and drive to make our mark in the world.

For those of you in the beginning stages of building your business and brand – this is a “heads up” strategy important to know. Add this to your “innovate” folder to apply later down the road.

But for those of you who have been in business 3-10 years, read closely.

Ás my business mentor writes, “Just like in marriages, growth is key to keeping your passion for your business alive. And it’s the love for what you do that attracts your success, so if you’ve found it fading, it might be time for reinvention. If you are not clear on what you are working towards, then you’re just working.”

I see your business as an extension of you. It was born out of pure inspiration and maybe some necessity. Ideas must evolve. You personally evolve and change as you make more revenues and grow the business. There is an inner change first; then the outer change. Remember, personal growth always precedes business growth.

A deep discontent is what caused me to reinvent 2017-2018. My soul and spirit were urging me to break out – break away – do something new – I listened. After much thought and listening to my intuition about my level of happiness and joy, I found the challenge centered in HOW I was doing my business; not what I was doing.

I love coaching. I love transformation and partnering in your discoveries, changes and successes! The HOW that needed changing and re-invention were the programs I offered, how I marketed them and how I was delivering the programs. I up-leveled the type of client I would work with and built a location independent business model so I didn’t feel trapped any longer and could travel the globe.

Something has to change and innovate. Start reinvention by claiming your genius zone.

Your next level is dedicated to you living MORE often in your genius by making a deep gut level commitment to let go of all the madness, low producing activities (delegate) and minutia.

Disrupt your business model. Break your pattern. Take a sharp right turn by trusting the change will raise your game.

Create your own category by changing the way your market, what you offer, branding, how you sell, who you hang out with, who you choose to network with, etc. You must give up something in order to reposition yourself.

So no to the good to get to the great.

Perhaps it’s doing away with a lower priced offering. I know it can feel like offending people – but remember you are in a “for profit” business. I know you can feel torn for what you stand for – numbers will drop – but that will happen because the lower nature energy will make room for the higher nature energy and revenues. That my dear ones is working less and making more.

Beginning steps to reinvention:

1. Ask yourself what do you need to let go of? Then tap into a power higher than you. We MUST partner with our higher power for guidance and support. We are never alone.

2. Believe in yourself beyond reason – time to re-activate – it’s a shift in your inner game first then your outer game

3. Look around. Do you need to change your resources and who you hang out with? Go outside of your usual tribe where you network to expand opportunities.

4. Think higher, more expansive and who you serve. Stop serving the common denominator in the same pool as everyone else. Go higher. Think differently. Think higher numbers for revenues. Think work less make more. You do not need to do more to make more.

5. Make a serious commitment to stop getting seduced by all the minutia in your business and cease being the bottleneck. Learn to trust in having a team where you give them the opportunity to do their genius as you are lifted into yours – thus making higher revenues with less clients and peace of mind more often. Share with me what part of you, if any, has been nudging you to re-invent? Your mindset? Type of clients? Creativity? Branding? Business structure? Money relationship? Other?

