Welcome to the Follow Your Joy Podcast where intuition is the doorway to your wisdom, your genius and your joy!
Here at Follow Your Joy Podcast, I aspire for you, the highly talented and passionate creative entrepreneur, to do what brings you joy more often …because you learned to listen to your intuition and take action on that guidance.
This is where you’ll find inspiring entrepreneurial stories and solocasts that prove listening to your intuition is certainly the doorway to your wisdom, your genius and your joy. Joy is not to be relegated to a good feeling. It’s a life & business strategy. When we follow our joy and stay tuned into it, we will live a more authentic life.
Not sure how to access, use or trust your intuition living in a logical, intellectual world? Join me in the conversation to find out how!
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the premise
Pay attention to what lights you up. What brings you joy in making money, relationships, business, etc. Allow that to be your inner GPS in how you make decisions. How to handle challenges in life, with dignity, intuition, partnering with your higher power and following through with intuitive messages by taking action –use your intellect to support the intuitive direction.
my why
Inspire creative entrepreneurs to remember it’s the JOY in our life that needs to be paid attention to while working, at play, and in relationships. It’s the #1 metric to decide if you give attention and effort to. If it lights you up, do it. If it doesn’t delegate it or toss it.
what to expect
Stories of transformation when guests listened to their intuition and followed their joy. Stories of reinvention, discovery of genius talents when they followed their joy (Marla, clients, guests). Guest interviews. Solocasts with topics about all of the above and more (repurposed from ALL my blogs and content!).
hi, i’m your host
Marla Diann!
I’ve been transforming creative entrepreneurs’ lives for over two decades through two businesses. As a success coach and business strategist, I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs collapse the time frame of achieving their desires and goals.
It’s time to make joy your inner GPS for life and business decisions rather than lean on your logic and reason, first.
You’ll not only be following what is most authentic to you and for you, but you will live the beautiful life meant just for you.
all the episodes
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