Oh how I love collaborating with fun, smart, go-getter women and sharing the rich content with you!


You know I am all about empowerment and inspiration for the creative business owner!


Discussions around m-o-n-e-y are always filled with all sorts of emotions across the board!


It’s one of the most controversial topics worldwide affecting every human being regardless of race, creed, color or profession.  


That’s one of the reasons I chose to focus on the entrepreneur’s money relationship for the last six years – it’s a HUGE catalyst for change on many levels when addressed and recalibrated. I continue to challenge my own relationship with money (like… weekly!) as I inspire my clients.


Essentially this translates to carefully replacing your old habits and behaviors around money that are clearly not working with empowering, confident habits and actions.


It just works. I’ve seen countless of client’s lives shift and upgrade. 

I’m so jazzed to bring you a VERY lively video podcast interview releasing this Friday April 15 on this very topic geared for the entertainer/performer!


(I love empowering the arts. The starving artist syndrome MUST stop!).


The Prepared Performer Molly Mahoney, Money Relationship Insights


I have the privilege of sharing money relationship insights and tips on my colleague’s video podcast, “The Prepared Performer” with the fun and super contagious Molly Mahoney!


She is hoot! You will love her.


Molly is a vocal performance/creative career coach and owner of The Prepared Performer. She loves sharing all that she learned as a performer in NYC, on Cruise Ships and in Las Vegas in order to help her students and clients win at their goals with clarity, confidence and joy (and making money!). She is a fabulous Jazz singer! (Think Diana Krall)


Molly loves showing business owners and their teams how to bring a sense of stage presence to their everyday lives and she’s obsessed with Curing the Starving Artist Syndrome via  www.StarvingArtistSyndrome.com.


On top of all that…she’s a Mommy to two adorable kids and her husband plays the bass in their own band. www.JazzinOrangeCounty.com


Save the Date! Molly will have the interview ready on her blog this Friday about 10 am Pacific. For now you can watch a past podcast – click here and listen in on Sean Hankinson – Voice Over Actor. 


I’ll circle back on Friday with the link for our podcast – for now just save the date. The interview will be up continuously. Listen in at your convenience but we do mention some timely items and my giveaway. So don’t wait too long!


Prosperity and abundance always!

marla sig