A common scenario in the creative entrepreneur world early on in launching a business is working your passion-driven business part-time for a few years while still holding onto a part-time job for security. Typically you are afraid to break free from the j-o-b, therefore you feed the frustrating cycle of “If I was full-time I could get so much more done in my business and feel so much more fulfilled, but…!”
Fill in the “but…” Sound familiar?
First let me clarify it’s totally acceptable to have money coming in from part-time work as you build your dream business for the first year or two. If you are hanging onto your part-time job after 3-4 years, you are a candidate for compassionate coaching to help you breakthrough your fears, barriers and limiting mindset.
10 years ago when I started my coaching company, I made a promise to myself within the first 12-15 months – I would quit my two part-time jobs and go full-time in my coaching business. I made it happen (in the middle of the 2008 major U.S. recession) and took my new business to the next level.
This month, May 2018, I celebrate 10 years in business!
Let me introduce you to Courtney Cobb of Eliza Jane Photography, Destination Wedding Photographer based in Los Angeles.
When Courtney and I met last September 2017, she was THAT scenario above where she craved being full-time in her already established destination photography business, but was afraid to pull THE trigger.
When she began her coaching program in fall 2017, she was not only over the top excited to get the guidance she truly desired to up-level her seven-year-old wedding photography business, but to take the BIG LEAP to go full-time.
Courtney has loads of beautiful talent and passion to run her dream business, but she was stuck in the “am I enough” fear mentality that holds creatives back from fully monetizing their brilliance.
Fast forward five months later, Courtney quit her long-held part-time job that kept her r-e-a-l-l-y frustrated and applied all she learned in the coaching program.
“I had some profound mindset shifts from Marla’s mentoring like– I hope I can run a photography business TO I know I will run a successful and thriving photography business and enjoy every minute of it! I shifted my defeatist mindset about myself in business to that of power, success, and being proactive,” says Courtney.
Her confidence and belief was so strong by the end of the coaching program, she planned an exciting styled shoot in Venice, Italy for April and just returned from her dream destination shoot! Take a look at her Instagram post.
It gets better.
I receive a text last month from Courtney while she was in London during her trip that she received an email from a well-known wedding publication wanting to feature her photography for several wedding venues!
Creatives… THAT is not a coincidence. That is synchronicity. Universal Law partners with you validating your commitment to manifest your dreams and desires.
When every cell in our body, mind, and heart is committed to the vision, synchronicities like this happen all the time. I see it over and over in my own life and client’s lives on a weekly basis.
The message here is this…you cannot predict what life will look like when you finally let go of playing small with fear leading the way.
So many amazing opportunities await you when you step into your desires with a well-suited mentor. Your main job is knowing where you want to be while allowing the opportunities to show up along the way as you take action to bring you closer to your vision.
Courtney had so many powerful breakthroughs and changes during our time together – too many list here. However, her following quote demonstrates one of many reasons why I am grateful to be doing what I do in the world…
“Most of all, the change in being more confident in my worth and sharing my fees with prospective clients and being mindful of what kind of conversations to have with them has made quite an impact on my business!”
Let’s increase your confidence, performance and revenues. You are invited to fill out an application and schedule a clarity call to see if you and I are a fit for success mentoring and business strategizing. Click here to begin. I have several options – VIP Day, 4-month entrepreneurial success program, and a 90-minute zoom intensive.