Blessed day!

Why shouldn’t we measure the quality of our lives by the amount of JOY we experience daily? For real. Wouldn’t that be amazing?

It’s an interesting approach to life. We have the choice of saying yes to what brings us most enjoyment especially in the work we do in the world, the people we most hang out with, and the personal activities we partake in. Yet, when truth be told, we could be much better at raising the bar on this, right?

As a companion to the joy metric is the foundation of taking 100% responsibility for your life and results. That means, as I learned, to stop complaining unconsciously and take action to change the results by responding differently to any one event in your life.

The formula I learned and then applied to my life was E+R=O. Event (life event) + Response = Outcome. Seems straight forward, right? Try it. Watch for all the hidden behaviors to emerge that you were not even conscious of.

Here’s what happened to my life the last two months when I began digging into this formula.

I began noticing how often I would react with a quick, less than desirable approach (not respond with power) to various behind the scenes situations while running my business. Even though I stood for dignity, grace, and ease, I was in default mode of old behaviors; rather than respond in a calm, mindful manner. So began the transformation thanks to Jack Canfield, my mentor.

I was in deliberate choice each day. I placed the words “Be kind and graceful and E+R=O” all around my laptop and workspace for consistent reminders to help me recalibrate. I observed and became much more conscious of my reactions and emotions as I worked day by day. It took about a month of consistently catching myself in the old behavior to make a choice in the moment to change my response, so I felt better about the situation and experienced a different outcome. I can proudly say I have recalibrated a new normal. The outcome is now laced with calm, grace, and little to no stress. E+R = O.

To connect the dots, I aspire for you to make choices and decisions daily based on the amount of joy they bring you. To get started, have fun answering these five simple questions Get creative. Imagine. Tell yourself the truth.

I feel the most joy when….

I feel the most joy when….

I feel the most joy when….

I feel the most joy when….

I feel the most joy when….

And, then let’s have you hold the intention to do those things you listed more often for the next month and let go of those things that do not. Why? Because you deserve that and it’s your birthright. Plus, it makes for a much more fulfilling life with less stress and we attract more when we are in the vibe of joy.

Looking to add more joy in your life and make it a new normal? Tired of resisting the happiness that could be present more often? Schedule a 30 min get-to-know-each other Zoom call and we’ll explore it. Who knows, you might have a breakthrough or two? Email to begin the scheduling.

Tweet: We have the choice of saying yes to what brings us most enjoyment especially in the work we do in the world.  @marladiann  #joy #coaching #newnormal

Blue Skies,
