Ep #18: How travel can be a dynamic brand and business builder. The Laptop Lifestyle.

Join me as I take you on a fun journey through Italy from my 2-week trip, the beauty and the bloopers of international travel, and how I have been using travel to elevate my brand and business since 2017. I want this for you,too! No more hustle and grind. I give you details of how to integrate travel into your brand and how it becomes an inspiration for your communities. I reveal the challenge I had moving into a laptop lifestyle brand – imagine that – a challenge? See if you resonate. The result: Fun, Joy and Productivity are the norm, not the exception.

I mention a few resources: ResortPass app, withlocals.com, Carthusia parfum brand on the isle of Capri, and my brand partner, Mozzafiato: https://bit.ly/mozzafiato_brand.

Is a new life design or laptop lifestyle business model on your priority to-do list? I highly encourage you to email me to schedule a chat about intuitive sessions. support@marladiann.com – Let’s get started on your next chapter or new brand.

If you enjoyed the episode and podcast, I’d appreciate a review on Apple & Spotify. Let’s connect: @marla_diann.

Three free resources for creative entrepreneurs: www.marladiann.com/free
Ready for transformation in business or life or both? I invite you to have a conversation. Use: https://calendly.com/successcoach-marladiann/connection.

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hi, i’m your host

Marla Diann!

I’ve been transforming creative entrepreneurs’ lives for over 26 years through two businesses. As a success coach and business strategist, I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs collapse the time frame of achieving their desires and goals.

It’s time to make joy your inner GPS for life and business decisions rather than lean on your logic and reason, first.

You’ll not only be following what is most authentic to you and for you, but you will live the beautiful life meant just for you.

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